226 11 5

October 25
11:28 PM
Sacramento, CA

It felt as if every functional organ in my body shut down completely.

I don't know if I was having another nightmare, or if my ears were just deceiving me.

All I know, is that this couldn't be true.

Aubrey couldn't be dead.


Most importantly...



"I'd be lying if I said I didn't agree, I missed you so much. In all honesty, I'd pay to see your beautiful face. There's times when I sit and wonder why I'm still not in the Guinness Book of World Records for being the luckiest man alive." He laughed at his own corniness and I joined in, softly hitting his leg.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

(End of flashback)

Millions of questions cluttered my brain.

Confusion raided my mind.

The sight of Aubrey unconsciously laying inside of a casket flashed before my eyes.

Before I could stop myself, I was screaming and crying, catching the attention of almost everyone.

"He-... He's dead. He's gone. HE'S FUCKING GONE!" I slammed my fist on the fragile glass of the coffee table, causing it to shatter everywhere. At this point the whole club was a riot.

A complete emotional wreck.

"Robyn! Stop it right now!" Leandra yelled, trying to contain herself for my sake. She grabbed me and pinned me down to the couch, which made things worse. I know she was trying to help, but my body didn't like the feeling of being under physical pressure. Especially at this time.

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