Vanilla Twilight (ErenXAnnie Attack on Titan fanfic)

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Hey guys this is my second fanfic and this time it is going to be taking place in modern times. If you haven't read the 1st one i wrote i would suggest reading it but if you don't want to thats cool because that fanfic has nothing to do with this on at all. Well anyway enjoy!!







Eren looks at his phone in anger "A crap not again." Eren says to himself as he walks to his Hapkido class to train with Sensei Hannes. (By the way Hapkido is a style focused on Powerful kick and throws.) Eren then looks at his watch to check the time, "Ok at least im not late for once." he mutters.



Message sent.

Eren soon feels a vibration come from his pocket and he quickly pulls it out to check it.


Connie XD

Eren clenches his fist and puts the phone back into his pocket putting his fists into his sweater pockets trying to keep in his anger. Speaking of anger the reason Eren was doing Hapkido was so that he could learn discipline and how to take his anger out on things that weren't people.

He looked at his watch once more to see that there was only 5 minutes left to get there, he then broke out into a sprint and turned the corner and rushed inside the dojo. He then quickly ran into the locker room and changed into his GI.

He then ran out into the other room and accidentally rammed into woman, "Oh god im so sorry!" he quickly apologized and reached his hand out to help her up. She moves his hand away and gets up herself "Watch where your going next time!" the woman said.

Eren looked closely at her face and realized that he had run into a girl name Annie Leonhardt. He remembered that she goes to school with him and she is a sophomore just like him, 'Oh crap I'm gonna get killed!' Eren thought as he remembered that the last person who pissed Annie off ended up with a broken nose and jaw.

"Again sorry Annie." he apologized once more hoping he won't get his ass kicked. "Whatever." she mutters. "So Annie what are you doing her?" Eren questions attempting to make friendly conversation. "Well i was here teaching a class and i'm filling in for Sensei Hannes, he broke his ankle and won't be back for another month."

'Oh fuck im screwed, she has to teach me and well there's an excuse to beat me to a bloody pulp.' Eren thought. "Oh right Hannes told me that you were to be expected so i guess we should start with lesson." Annie says giving Eren a dirty look, "Uhh yeah i guess."

The two of them then walk into the center of the dojo, "Are you ready?" Annie asks "To get beaten to a pulp yeah i guess." Eren says jokingly. "Alright then i want you to come at me with everything you have. 'Alright Eren let's do this.' He then rushes at her hoping to catch her off guard and land a blow to the stomach.

But to his surprise she uses his momentum to flip him onto the ground. He then quickly gets up and rushes at her once more hoping to kick out her leg, but Annie was quicker and grabs him by the arms and pushing him onto the floor.

He repeats this cycle about three more times before he decides to give up. "Holy crap that technique is amazing and the way you do it is perfect like holy SHIT that was awesome, do you think you can teach me some more about it because that was awesome!!"

She then blushes at the compliment but then moves her head away, "Shure i guess." she says with no emotion. She then motions for him to get up and get into a fighting stance. "Also Annie what fighting styles were you using?" Eren asks with his curious eyes filled with amazement.

"Different styles like Judo, Kickboxing, Tai Chi, Kung Fu, Ninjitsu, Jujitsu, and some Eskrima." "Damn.." Eren said as he got up and got into his stance. Then the long training session that ended late in the night ended with bruises sores and a sprained ankle. ''Of course i get all the pain." Eren mutters as he finishes getting dressed in the locker room.

He leaves the locker room to see Annie leaving, He then jog/limps to her trying to catch up. "Hey Annie." She then looks at him "Yes?" she says, "I just wanted to ask do you think that maybe we could train more at the dojo? Oh and again sorry about ramming into you earlier."

Annie looks at him and thinks about her reply "Maybe." she says finally, "I will let you know my final answer sometime tomorrow so expect a text message later. She then left him standing there 'Man Annie might be scary sometimes but i've always wanted to ask her out but never had the heart to, but hell tonight just gave me a whole other reason to.

He then leaves the dojo and walks back home, by the time he gets there it is already 11:30. He unlocks the door and opens it silently hoping not to wake anyone up. He walks in and closes the door behind him. "How was the dojo."

Eren jumped in fear, he then turns to Mikasa who was sitting on the couch with a book in her hands. "Mikasa i almost shit myself thanks to you." he hissed. She rolls her eyes, "Whatever, anyway how was the dojo." "Fine im just really sore, Hannes was'nt there and surprisingly Annie from school was there she apparently fills in for Hannes when he's gone."

She then get up, "Are you ok?!?" she asks in her normal worried tone. "Mikasa i'm fine, im just a little sore ok." she then apologizes and starts to head upstairs. She then turns her head to look at him, "I saw that Jean got a hold of your Facebook again." she chuckled, "Oh shut up and go to bed already."

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