Chapter 3

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Where are you, You were supposed to be here 15 minutes!!

Eren looked at his phone and cringed 'Shit im in some deep crap now!!' he thinks as he starts sprinting for the dojo. He was able to go about 33 blocks nonstop sprinting, and he soon arrives at the dojo.

'Well i guess Track was good a choice.' Eren thought as he changed his clothes. He walks into the dojo prepared with an excuse but once he walks in he was greeted with a knee to the stomach and a slap to the face.

Eren laying on the floor looks up at Annie with his normal grin. "Nice to see you too." he says still a little out of breath. "Get up, i told you earlier be prepared, and this is not being prepared." she says with her normal stoic expression.

"Well i am prepared i just wasnt quite ready to be greeted with a fist to my gut." he says with another one of his goofy smiles

Annie turns around to hide her smile and so that she could muffle her laugh.

She turns around with blush on her face still. Sh tries to hold in her laughter but she cant help it she breaks down in laughter. Eren smiles, "Well I sure as hell wasnt prepared for that!" he chuckles.

He then starts to break out into hysteric laughing, "Why are you laughing?" Annue says between laughs. "My joke was hilarious." he says still laughing." She laughs even harder because of how stupid he is.

Eren's laugh slowly fades away, " Hey Annie can i ask---" "If you want to know if im going to sit at you table the anwser is still no." she says with a small smile.

"Actually i was going to ask and see if you eanted to get coffe or something sometime." He says rubbing his neck nervousley and blushing.

Annie soon starts to blush and then smirks, " If you want a date your gonna have to fight for it first." she says with a smile while standing up. Eren gets up, "Challenge accepted."

Eren has never fought as hard as he did that night with Annie that night, and you know what----No sorry he still lost. Eren lays on the floor with a scowl on his face. Annie gives him an amused smile, "You might have lost but i think ill give you that date." she says with a smile.

Eren's face then autimatically lights up. "does that mean i can also walk you home tonight ?" Eren says with a smirk. All Annie does is smile and thats all Eren needs.

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