Chapter 15: Epilogue

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Hey guys another update for this story, i just wanted to make one last chapter for the AOT crew in the story. I hope you guys enjoy the last and for sure final chapter!!!


The bells, she loved the sound of the bells. "god, it's actually happening..." she whispers to herself as she walks over to the mirror, looking herself up and down. "You look great." Annie turns to face Mikasa and the other girls behind her. Annie smiles and gives a small nod in thanks.

Annie looks at the other girls in the room and finds Sasha sitting in a corner. Annie raises an eyebrow as she walks towards Sasha hearing small sniffles. Annie taps Sasha on the shoulder and Sasha turns to face her. "Sasha what's up?" Sasha wipes a tear away, "Connie.......He.....He.......ATE MY POTATO!!!" Annie face-palmed and walked towards the others and pulled out a bottle of gin.

Sasha's eyes widened and sprinted towards the bottle.


Eren had just finished putting on the tie, and slipped on his suit jacket. He walked in front of the mirror admiring how much work the tailor put into is obsidian colored suit. Eren Straightened his ties and styled his hair.

He looked back once more at the mirror and turned to the other guys in the room. "So how does it look?" he asked. Jean walked up to him and looked him dead in the eyes, "You look like shit." "Thanks Jean, appreciate it." "Anytime." The others laughed and soon grabbed a bottle of champagne. Connie looks at the bottle, "this is gonna be fun."


the bells started to ring once more and everyone started to sit on the chairs. Eren stood at the front with his long time friend Armin, and he turned to face the rows and rows of chairs looking at all the people who had come to see this.

Eren looked through the crowd and found Hannes, and His father waving at him. He continued looking through the crowd of people and found Levi and his Fiancee Petra, Petra waved at Eren and Levi glared at Eren and Eren winced at the look.

Eren had also saw Erwin, and Mike, along with Hanji in one row, and Pixis and Rico in another.

He heard the music start to play on the organ and he got several smiles from Armin, and Mikasa. Eren looked down the Aisle and found her in a beautiful white dress. He smiled looking at her, and she looked back with her eyes of ice. Eren watched her walk up to him, she grabbed his hand as she was now directly in front of him, she mouthed the words ' I Love you' and he smiled sending the message back at her.

After about the 30 minutes the ceremony was over, and the pastor said his final words, "You may now kiss the bride." Eren gladly smiled and kissed Annie passionately and held her in a tight embrace, he could hear the cheers and clapping of guests but the sound started to fade away the closer he was to Annie the more all he thought about was her.



Eren had taken out yet another Champagne bottle and it started foaming everywhere and he poured the champagne into his and Annie's glass. Everyone was talking and laughing, dancing, eating, honestly The wedding was going perfectly in the newly wed's party. Sasha was at the her table scarfing down bread, and meat, while Connie talked or more like slurred, to Erwin and Hanji.

Reiner Was talking with Bertholdt and Ymir and Christa was listening intently to their conversation. Armin and Marco sat at their table drinking the night away, they both clearly had enough and Jean and Mikasa were trying to take the bottle of alcohol from their table.

Even Levi has shown off a few smiles while he danced with Petra, honestly things were finally falling into place for the two.

Annie soon slips her hand in between Eren's and he looks at her and gives her one of his signature grins and leans down and kisses her. "You know Eren, when people start to leave there are more things you can do then just kissing..." she purrs. Eren automatically blushes and chuckles, "Ill take you up on that later, but for now would you like to dance." Annie nods and walks with Eren to the dance floor and puts her arms around his neck. Eren puts his arms around her waist and they move to the soft and steady rhythm of the song. Eren holds her against him and holds her tightly, He then smiles as she nuzzles her head into the crook of his neck.

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