Chapter 11

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Eren woke up early which was normal for him, he quickly took a shower and changed into his normal outfit. (Dark Jeans, A Button up shirt, High top converse.) He quietly walked down the stairs and grabbed his keys and guitar and left for Connie's. About 5 minutes later Eren showed up at Connie's and was greeted by Jean. 

"Oh hey Yeager, were in the garage, we were just about to start." He said still a little tired. Eren walks into the small house heading to the foor that leads into the garage. "Tell me again Yeager why we have to wake up at 5:30 in the morning?" "Wuss." Eren replies.

Jean glares at him and shoves him. They both walked into the garage and Eren was greeted with all of their friends in the garage. Annie got up off the amp she was sitting on and hugged Eren. "So tell me why do you guys practice at 5:30 in the morning?" she asked. Eren's expression just went blank.

After a few minutes of setting up the equipment Eren started to play one of his personel favorite songs: 

Hanging out behind the club on the weekend

Acting stupid, getting drunk with my best friends

I couldn't wait for the summer and the warped tour

I remember it's the first time that I saw her there

She's getting kicked out of school, 'cause she's failing

I'm kinda nervous, 'cause I think all her friends hate me

She's the one, she'll always be there

She took my hand and I made it I swear

'Cause I fell in love with the girl at the rock show

She said "What?" and I told her that I didn't know

She's so cool, gonna sneak in through her window

Everything's better when she's around

I can't wait 'til her parents go out of town

I fell in love with the girl at the rock show

When we said we were gonna move to Vegas

I remember the look her mother gave us

Seventeen without a purpose or direction

We don't owe anyone a fuckin' explanation

Fell in love with the girl at the rock show

She said "What?, and I told her that I didn't know

She's so cool, gonna sneak in through her window

Everything's better when she's around

I can't wait 'til her parents go out of town

I fell in love with the girl at the rock show

Black and white picture of her on my wall

I waited for her call, she always kept me waiting

And if I ever got another chance, I'd still ask her to dance

Because she kept me waiting

I fell in love with the girl at the rock show

She said "What?", and I told her that I didn't know

She's so cool, gonna sneak in through her window

Everything's better when she's around

I can't wait 'til her parents go out of town

I fell in love with the girl at the rock show

With the girl at the rock show

With the girl at the rock show

(I'll never forget tonight)

With the girl at the rock show

(I'll never forget tonight)

With the girl at the rock show

(I'll never forget tonight)

With the girl at the rock show

(I'll never forget tonight)

With the girl at the rock show

(I'll never forget tonight)

With the girl at the rock show

(I'll never forget tonight)

With the girl at the rock show

The others cheer and clap once the song finished the group played a few moree songs and at one point sat their and listened to Reiner trying to wail on the guitar. P.s he just made the noise with his mouth. 

"Hey Reiner you know you make the noise with the guitar right?" Armin asks while giggling. "PSHH, of course, hold on i gotta show you how its done....WEAAAAOWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!" 

Jean just facepalms and shakes his head in dissapointment, "Ughhh, Reiner just why?" Jean questioned. "Jean do you have a problem with people playing 'real' music, oh and WEAOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWW!!!"

Krista then comes up to Reiner and takes the guitar, "Please stop youre going to make our ears bleed." She says with a smile then giving Reiner a small kiss on the cheek. Reiner's face then completely turns red and follows Krista to a sit next to Ymir and Bertholdt.

Eren and Annie just watched the whole scene holding hands, while sitting on an amp enjoying yet another day together. Annie then pull Eren up off of the amp and pulls him outside the garage and they decide to go for a little walk back Eren's.

Eren felt a vibration come from his pocket and he quickly pulled it out to find a message from Jean.


Keep it PG alright kids, ;)

Eren chuckled as he put his phone back in his pocket. "What's so funny?" "Nothing just Jean being Jean again." "Hmm." "So Eren It's our last year at school and i was just wondering what your going to be doing after school?" Annie asked with a longing look on her face. He just smiled and kissed her forehead. "I dont know." he says sarcastically. 

Suddenley his expression becomes cold as ice when he soon realizes something. "Eren are you ok??" Annie asked with a worried tone. Eren looks down at his shoes with a look of shame spreading over his face. "Eren, talk to me whats wrong, the whole issue with my dad has been taken care of and im living with you guys now, were gonna live on our own someday, so what could possibly be wrong?!?" Annie said still worried.

"Annie...I have to tell you something.." He said with a qivering voice. "What is it?" she asked. He then pulled out a dogtag but this time it wasnt what Annie was expecting. She held the dogtag and looked at the Engraving and burst out into tears and held Eren close to her.

Eren Yeager 9/13/14

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