Chapter 14: Old wounds

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Annie just layed in bed just staring at the ceiling with a picture of Eren and her on their 2nd date. She remembered how much she hated taking that picture considering the two had just started dating. But now a year later she looked at the picture with her ice blue eyes and smiled everytime she saw it. She set the picture down and and got up out of the bed and got dressed. She then headed down into the living room and grabbed her coat and keys and walked out the door. 

Closing the door behind her Annie looked up at the gray sky and sighed. 'We never get one good day.' She thought to herself as she walked down the street, phone in her hand. She looked once more at her phone noticing that it was still only 3:30 in the morning. She than put the phone back in her pocket and continued walking, hoping to find somewhere to go, just to get her mind off of him, just for a little.


Eren stood at base gun in his hand waiting for something to happen, he has been a guard for 2 days now guarding the Armory just waiting for something to happen to relieve the silence and boredom. 'Well at least im leaving in a few day's.' Eren thought to himself. 'I'l finally see them again, what has it been, 4 years, this upcoming Thursday, August 3rd, I'll see her again.' 

Thinking about this put a smile on Eren's face as he grabbed the small picture from his pocket, looking at it with his green orbs, filled with desire to see her again. But that's when he heard the explosion come from the far side of the base. He quickly stuffed the picture back into his pocket and readied his gun.

He stared off into the distance with his gun ready, aiming ready to shoot anything that moves. Soon he hear foot steps and gunfire and knew that the base was under fire. "Shit." he murmurs under his breath waiting for his fellow comrades (LOL @Aot-lover-for-life.) to come rushing towards the armory. 

Soon the soilders rushed into the armory and soon one of the higher ranking officers was giving them different positions. "YEAGER GET YOUR ASS OVER TO THE GENERATORS WERE GONNA NEED THAT POWER GOING!!" The officer said. "YES SIR!" Eren replied and ran off towards the generator with about 20 others. 

Once they got near the generators shots were soon fired and already someone had died. Eren looked at the dead solider and saw the bullet go straight through his head. Eren looked away before he vomitted and quickly ran to find cover. 

Once Eren had found cover he checked his ammo supply and took aim and started shooting at the 30-40 enemies before him. Once his mag ran out he quickly ducked back into cover and reloaded as fast as he could. 

He then turned to the other soliders who were dying left and right, one of the youngest soldiers was running trying to get into cover but was shot in the leg. The soldier cried out in pain yelling for omeone to help him. Eren quickly ran out of cover and grabbed the man's arm's and started pulling him towards his hiding spot. 

'OH SHIT OH SHIT, SHIT SHIT SHIT!!!!!!' Eren thought as he pulled the man away with blood leaking out of the bullet wound in his leg. "FUUCK PLEASEEE MAKE IT STOP!!!" The man cried out. Eren brought the man into cover and safely put him down. But the the soldier to their left was soon shot in the gut and was bleeding out. 

"AHHHHHHHHH!!!!" the other man cried as he laid in the sand bleeding to death. Eren than looked at the two men and rage soon started to build up inside him. "YOU SONS OF BITCHES I'LL MAKE YOU PAY!!!" Eren screamed as he started to fire his gun at the attackers. 

Eren took 5 of them out before he leaped back into cover, he quickly crawled over to the man who was shot in the stomach. "Ahh sh~it, oh god it hurts, it hurts, please make it stop, make it stop , i wanna see my kid again that's all, thats all." The man then started to cry while spitting up blood and pulling out a picture of his kid, holding it tight to him as his crying soon went away and was replaced with his limp arm hitting the ground with a loud thud.

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