Chapter 9

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"Dad.." Annie said quietley. The others immeaditly got up and Reiner and Bertholdt glared at Annies father. But they automatically noticed Erens stance and his fists clenched.

"Dad what are you doing here?" Annie asked. "Annie im her to pick you up and take you with me to Miami." He said "Dad i already told you im not leaving." Annies father then glared at her and clenched his fists.

"You son of bitch get out of my house, you had no right to cimr here, you will never touch her again you sick FUCK!!!!" Eren said his eyes glowimg with fury.

"Annie--" "Save it old man." Eren said to Annies father. Annies father glared at Eren and raised his fist slightly but put it down a second later.

Annies father turned and walked back into his car slamming the door in the process. As he was driving away Eren soon saw the tears starting to well up in her eyes. He automatically held her tightly and let her bury her head in his chest like she always does.


Later that day the others decided to stay at Erens for a few more days. During those few days Eren spent mist of his time just thinking about Annie and her father, how he almost hurt her right in front of him and the others.

He knew he couldnt just sit and watch Annie suffer, and he knew just couldnt find her father and decide to mess him up with a baseball bat. He knew he was going to need help with this and he knew just who to turn to.

Eren walked up to Mikasa, Marco, Reiner, and Bertholdt. "Alright you guys, well the reason i want to talk to you guys is because of Annie father. I cant take it, i cant just watch her suffer, i have a plan but im going to need everyones help but you guys especially.

Reiner and Bertholdt nod in agreement, "Im in." says Marco and Mikasa nods as well. Eren smiles with joy. "Alright well first, my plan is that we can try to get Annie to live with one of us i mean my dad has experuence because of Mikasa, and Reiner has experience because of his adoptive brother Marcel. Anyway so my plan was that we can have Marco's dad help with the case and my dad can help too."

Mikasa and Marco both nof and smile, Bertholdt just stares, and reiner smiles "For once Yeager your starting to make sense and using your brain instead of your fists." Reiner said as they headed to the others to tell them their plan.


they talked about the plan for quite a while and Annie overhead them and walked in. "Hey Annie." Eren said. "Whats going on?" Eren looked her dead in the eye and yold her everythimg.

"But Annie the only way we can do this is if your ok with it." Eren finnaly said. Annie nodded her head and quickly rushed out of the room. Eren rushed after her and left Reiner in charge.

"Hey." He said when he found her out in the back watching and listenimg to the rain. "Mind if i join you?" He asked. she shook her head and he sat next to her.

"Im sorry we did this behind your back, i j-just cant sit her and let him her hurt you anymore, he tried to hurt you and me but i lost it once he raised his fist at you, again im sorry."

"Dont apologize i understand why you had to do it and im glad that for once that someone besides Reiner, Bertholdt, And Mina care for me." she said with a smile as she grabbed his hand and squeezed it tight.


Later that day Annie had finnaly finished up all the paperwork and asked if they could stop by her house so that she could grab a few things. Reiner got his car ready and Mikasa and Eren went with.

For her 20 Minutes only felt like 10 seconds as they pulled up in her driveway. Eren, Her, and Mikasa all got out and Reiner stayed in if they needed to make a quick getaway.

The three then walk up to the door and Annie unlocks and opens it silently. They walk in to find a mess, laundry everywhere, wrappers and discs laying about. Normally what her father does when she leaves the house for awhile.

She then looks at the carpet where there were blood stains, hers and her mother's. She remembered how he used to beat her just like he did to her.

Annie then looked away and walked upstairs to her room. Soon they all started to pack up all of Annie things: her valubale in one box, clothing in another, etc, etc.

After about 5 minutes of packing they here the door open and footateps coming closer to the door. Soon Annie's father is standing at the doorway.

"What the hell is going on!?" He slurred, clearly drunk. "bacl off old man, you move an inch i will personally snap your neck!" Eren exclaims.

"You *hic* little shit, Fuck *hic* you and your *hic* Asian friend here." He slurred. "Dont pull Mikasa in this either or i will makr your death as slow and painful as possible."

Annies father then starts to slowly walk to Eren ans he towers over him. Annies father raises his fist and punches Eren square in the nose. Eren then raises his fist and throws a punch at Annie father.

He hit him hard in the gut and grabbed the boxes and the three ran to Reiners car and drove away quickly. Eren still coverimg his nose was trying to get the bleeding to stop when Annie's expreasion became colder than normal.

"That son of a bitch hurt you eren, I wont let that happen again."

Vanilla Twilight (ErenXAnnie Attack on Titan fanfic)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα