Chapter 13: The Day After

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I woke up to see Ethan's arms wrapped around me, I looked at Ethan's sleeping face then his eyes open and looked into my eyes.

I sat up, causing the blanket to slip exposing my breasts, I quickly ran to my dresser and then ran to the bathroom with Ethan trying to catch me but I locked the door.

"Come on we both need to shower" he whined. I could just imagine his cute pout so I sighed and let him in.

45 minutes later we were dressed and it seemed my heat was over so he took me to a cute little diner across town for breakfast.

While Ethan was in the bathroom, a couple unmated werewolves walked in and tried to flirt with me and Ethan stood behind him and growled.

The guys looked at him said sorry and left. I smirked at how possessive he is.

After breakfast we went to the zoo. My favorite exhibit was the wolves of course. They would always be able to sense if a werewolf was near. Back at my old pack we actually had a timber wolf we adopted and kept. He was a lot of fun to run with.

I would have to ask Ethan about getting a timber wolf later. Hehehe. Then Ethan bought me a large fuzzy stuffed wolf.

Next we went back to the hotel and got a spa treatment to get relaxed. Then we went out to dinner. By the time we got to the hotel I fell asleep in the car so Ethan carried me in laid me in bed then climbed in with me.

The next couple days were the same. We checked out of the hotel and went home.

My good friend Cortney, who is also the Luna, approached me and asked where we had been. I told her everything (minus the details of our sex life).

I went upstairs to Ethan's office he was dealing with some paperwork, he look very frustrated.

"What's wrong?" I asked

"There have been hunters kidnapping pups and women from other packs." He said

"Uh oh" I said

"I know"

I left to go shopping with Cortney. When we got home it was late so I went to Ethan's office and he was still there.

"Why don't you come up to bed" I suggested

"Good news" he said "the neighboring pack killed off all the hunters except for 2 or 3 and I'll be up in a minute"

I went upstairs and climbed in bed after putting on pajamas. Not too long after I felt the bed shift and Ethan climbed in bed and wrapped his arm around my waist pulling me closed. We slowly fell asleep listening to each others heartbeats.


This chapter is boring sorry! I will try to get a better one tomorrow!

Goodnight y'all

His dogOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora