On the borderline

23 3 0

I'm standing on the borderline
What should I bring or leave behind?

My injured body slumped against the heavy wooden door to the small apartment. My eyes felt heavy and my hand holds as much blood back as it could.

I was bleeding and bleeding bad.

I can faintly hear Kelly and his boyfriend, my freaking teacher, chatting in the kitchen. I slowly stumble over my own feet to the kitchen. Once there I lean against the doorframe.

"Kelly." My accented voice comes out hoarse, as if I haven't had drunk water in weeks. Kelly glances up and the smile on his face falls instantly.

"What is i- oh my god!" Hank, Kelly's boyfriend, screeches upon seeing me.

"Hank I think you should leave." Kelly says in a harsh tone. Hank stares at him shocked for a second before grabbing his jacket.

"Speak a word of this to anyone and your daughter dies." I growl in a whisper as he passes me. Kelly has already left to my room by now. He gulps and nods. I stumble to my room, using the wall for support. Once there Kelly pulls my top off as well as my gloves.

"Lay on the bed." He orders and I do as told. Taking a alcohol covered cloth and placing it over my shoulder wound. I lay on my back, the cloth on the back of my shoulder. Kelly makes quick work of pouring the tequila over my open wound and handing it to me. I take a long swing of it as he stitches the wound closed.

"Thanks." I say hoarsely. He nods.

"Turn over gently." Slowly I roll over and rest my head on my folded arms. "What happened?" He asks as he stitches the other opening shut. I recounted the events that occurred just a few hours ago.

"He almost kissed me." I state once I'm done, playing with my fingers. Kelly snickers.

"And you didn't let him?" He ask jokingly. I roll my eyes at him.

"You know exactly why I can't do that." I screech as a blush overtakes my cheeks at the memory.

"Yeah yeah, your curse and everything." He says with a slight laugh.

Years ago when I was just starting out as part of the high counsels elite assassin group, me being the only member, I had to hunt and kill a witch. That's not their proper name though. They call themselves Magikeen. They interested me to no extent.

I was sent to kill her, but made a grave mistake. I underestimated my claim and was cocky. I'm not anymore. But just before I could kill her she placed a curse on me.

Poison courses through my body. My blood is toxic to any who touch it. My lips are especially potent. I can't kiss anyone without killing them. Depending on the area I kiss, it takes longer or shorter to kill them.

I didn't get to kill the witch and when I went back empty handed, the council whipped me 20 times. I counted every time the thick rubber whip broke through my skin. I killed the people holding my and the executioner in the process.

The Masters found out after the fact and nursed me back to health. There was something about me that sets me apart from everyone else. Kelly is the only one able to touch my blood without dying.

I was twelve when this all happened, the funny part is hat I happened on my twelfth birthday.

It's been 14 years since then.

"So what are you going to do about Jen?" He asks, standing to clean the mess of blood I've made.

"Find this bastard, Tiamand, and beat him till he gives her back." I whisper out, slowly losing consciousness.

Kill or be killedDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora