We won't

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I know I'm gonna let you down
So don't hold your breath now

~Wern's POV~
I glare at the king from my place on my knees. Dead guards surround the room, the stench of blood taunting the room. I'm covered in it myself.

I sit on my knees in front of the king, my ring in that snake of a son Tiamand's hand. My hands are in chains behind my back, two guards holding me in place.

"It seem too pretty for a creature like you." Tiamand says, examining my mother's ring.

"You are just as resourceful as I've been told." The king says with a throaty laugh. I glare at him, wishing I could run a knife through his heart.

"Yes, but he seems to be nothing without his ring." Tiamand says with a smirk. I growl at him, but before I can speak someone runs into the throne room.

"Sire, we have infiltrated to castle of King Leonard!" The man says. My heart stops.


Sweet Kory who I haven't seen in three weeks. The beautiful that has claimed my heart, against my will. The large man that could do anything.


He could be hurt. He could be dead. I could never see him alive again. Hold his warm body in my arms, feeling his hard muscles press against mine.

Worry washes over me and fear grips my stomach. Tears fill my eyes that I won't let fall. A lump lodges in my throat.

"And what of his children?" Asks the king.

"They weren't there. They disappeared." The guy says.

Where could they have gone? I ask in my head, setting my features to a cold glare again. I need to get my ring.

The doors are thrown open with a loud slam. I turn my head to look at them.

An evil cackle leaves my mouth.

There stands War, one of my masters. He wears a loose, long sleeved shirt, too think to protect him from anything. Cotten pants that are tucked in to his sturdy leather boots that have seen better days. A sword in a metal sheath rests at his hip.

"You're all fucked now." I growl, staring Tiamand dead in the eye.

"I believe you have something of mine." War's loud voice booms, echoing through the whole room. There is an evil smirk on his face. I pull the chains off from my wrists and jump to my feet, wrapping it around one of the guards necks. The sharp metal and my strength tear through his neck, blood covering the metal.

"Just about to say the same." I say with an evil smile. The second comes at me, fists raised. I catch the one coming at my face and place my hand on the back of his neck, pulling his face to mine. I place my lips on his, the veins around his mouth turning a sickening shade of green.

"What in gods name?" Tiamand flinches away as the words leave his mouth.

"Not god." I say will walking towards the two of them. "Satan." I kick one of the daggers laying on the floor up into my hand. I toss it and it runs right through king Edger's heart.

"Father!" Tiamand shouts. Horror covers his face. I grab his throat and shove him against the wall behind us.

"Do you want to end up like the other people in this room, or are you going to give me what I want?" I growl. Tears fall from his eyes.

"I'll do what you want, please don't kill me." He begs.

"First, my ring." He places it in my hand. I shove the small thing into my pocket. "Next, what do you want with the Slander kids?"

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