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I taste you on my lips and I can't get rid of you
So I say damn your kiss and the awful things you do

When I woke the next morning it was to the coldness of the space beside me I found when I reached out for Kory. I sit up and see the space empty, and the bright sun shinning in through the window. The smell of bacon and coffee reach my nose. I pull on a black V-neck sitting on the floor somewhere and walk into the kitchen.

Kelly hands me a mug full of black coffee, Sebastian sits at the kitchen table playing on his phone, and Kory is cooking something. I go and take a seat across from Sebastian. He looks up at me, then to my neck. He stares at it for a while before sighing and turning back to his game.

"Is everything okay Sebastian?" I ask him, masking my accent. Kory sends me a look of disapproval.

"Nothing." The game ends and he looks up at me, deadly serious. "Did you have fun last night?"

I raise a questioning eyebrow at him. Kelly hides his laughter by taking a sip out of his mug.

"What do you mean?" I ask. Kory smirks playfully at me. Realization dawns on me and I sprint to the bathroom. I look in the mirror and to my horror, there is a large purple bruise on the right side of my neck, the same place Kory had bit last night. A bright red colour spreads across my cheeks as I recall the memory. "Now is not the time damnit." I glare down at my growing erection.

After taking a couple deep breaths and thinking about other things, I leave the bathroom and join everyone else. We all eat the pancakes and bacon Kory made peacefully. Kelly and Sebastian talk about random things and Kory contributes here and there. I only talk when asked a question. Or a statement is directed at me.

After breakfast I get up to do the dishes and Kory joins me. Sebastian and Kelly move their conversation to the living room, a wall now separating the two groups.

"Sorry." Kory says while drying one of the plates. I look up at him, then back to the dish I'm cleaning.

"Why?" I ask, genuinely curious of what he was apologizing for. He looked at me, something I could read in his eyes, then turned back to the dishes he was drying.

"The hickey on your neck, I'm sorry I left it there." He says softly, so soft I wouldn't have heard it without my heightened senses. I can see the blush on his face and it makes me smirk.

"Sorry, what was that?" I ask in a teasing manner, moving my body closer to his. His rose red cheeks go a darker shade of red, if possible, and he turns fully to face me. I run one of my fingers up the centre of his throat to his chin.

"Keep doing things like this and I'll leave more then one hickey." Kory growls possessively, his golden brown eyes going a shade darker. I smirk at him.

"What makes you think you can?" I ask in a teasing tone, moving my face closer so my lips are just barely on his. Before he can do anything I pull away from him and go back to the dishes in the sink.

"You're such a fucking tease." He says with a defeated glare. I smirk and laugh a little.

For the next couple minutes we do dishes in silence.

"Your bruise is getting better." I point out. The skin around his neck and eye were fading from their dark purple to an ugly yellow green pretty fast. He reaches up to touch the skin there.

"Yeah. The stuff Kelly gave me is really helping." He says, reaching up to put the last plate away. I watch his bicep flex and fill out the sleeves of his long sleeved shirt. I curse myself for finding it so attractive and turn away.

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