Chapter 3: The Hangout

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Amber's POV
I woke it this morning having the strangest dream that I was going to have lunch with Jack Avery. My phone vibrates on my bedside. It's a text from Jack Avery " Can't wait to see you at noon". I sat up astonished that it was actually really that I look at the time. It was 9:27, I have time clean, go out to get ingredients for lunch and clean the house. My parents were still not home from there trip. So I started to clean the house. Once I finished I quickly went to the store. I got pasta noodles and ingredients to make alfrado sauce with pesto. I when I got home it was 11:00. Ok let's cook.

Jacks POV

"I'm so happy." I shouted. I think I'm going to bring her something. So, I walked to the store to pick up something to give to Amber. What should I get questioning everything that I look at. "Oooo perfect." I joyful danced. I payed for the item and scared to the house.

Amber's POV

I was cooking so much I forgot the time. The door bell rang. Come in I shouted thinking it was Kristine. I was paying attention to cooking the fool I feel someone grab me from behind. "What's up girly how u doing." Someone said. I quick turned my head and see Jack hugging my waist. "Hey Jack I didn't know u were actually going to come." I said while realizing the time. I told him I needed to shower. So I went upstairs and got into the shower. While in the shower I started singing Perfect by Ed Sheeran. I got out and changed into a black shirt, ripped jeans and black high top converse. I waked down stairs and Jack had a surprised look on his face. "You can sing." he asked in a astonished tone. I told him yes and that I've been singing since I was little. I went to the kitchen and set the food on the table so we can start eating. Jack looked at the food and said "So now you can sing and cook really good meals." I replied "yes." and served the pasta that he made. After we ate Jack gave me something. It was a movie and 1 large microwaveable popcorn. I went to the microwave and warmed up the popcorn while he set put he movie. We were watching "It". I don't like scary movies but I watched it for Jack. I hid my self under the blanket. Jack looked down at en feeling sorry so he pulled me close to his body. He felt so warm and safe so I uncovered my face and started watching the movie. A few moments later we were both asleep cuddling. I woke up and found him sleeping. So I got off the couch and started to clean up from lunch. Jack wakes up to me going stairs up to my room. He quietly followed me to my room. Got ya tying to scare me. I jumped because I didn't know he was awake. "Where are I going he asked." I replied "To my room I need to clean it." Jack offered to help me. I said sure and we started to clean up. By the time we finished Jack receives a call. Jack told me that Zach was being suspicious on where he was. I mean you can leave if u need to. Showing a sad frown. "Know what, what if I invite the whole band, Mya and my girlfriend over to spend the night."he suggested. I told him only if he helps me clean the house. So we started to clean the house and an hour later it was finished. "Can we go to the store before we invite everyone." I asked. So Jack and I went to the store and got some ingredients for chicken parmigiana. When I got home with Jack, my best friend Kristine was at the door. She looked at Jack and I then screamed. I ran to her and covered her mouth. She was so flabbergasted at the fact that Jack was with me. Jack and I took her inside and explain everything. "Ooooooh." Kristine said while taking in all of the information. She asked if I was friends with all of WDW I replied "yes I was."I invited her to the sleepover she said sure and left to get clothes. Jack called everyone to come to the house. Once everyone was at the house I started to cook. While cooking Zach came up to me and we started talking. When dinner was ready I sat in the middle of the twins. Jack was talking to his girlfriend Gabbie. So I started to talk with Zach again. Zach is so funny he made me laugh so many times. Then I got to meet Gabbie she was really nice. After dinner we all played some board games and watched some movies. The first movie we watched was HSM because Jo Jo saw it on Netflix. Mya warned me about that, but it was cool. I started to fall asleep after 3 movies. So everyone decided to go to bed, the guys had the guest room. Gabbie and Mya had my parents room and I had my room. I started to fall asleep until I felt something in the bed with me. I turn around and it was Zach. He told me that the guys were smothering home and he wanted to sleep somewhere else. So I let him sleep on one side of the bed. "Amber I have a question."he asked with a slight blush on his face. Hey can I hang out with u tomorrow. I thought about it and said "Sure." It was Sunday anyway. So I old him goodnight and fell asleep. When I woke up I found myself sleeping on his chest my face turned really red, but I didn't freak out. I slowly got out of bed and started making breakfast. I felt someone hug me from behind and it was Zach. Mya came down and saw Zach hugging me then Zach kissed me on the neck. Mya jumped out and said "I knew it Zach I just knew it." Me both were surprised and our faces turned bright red. Soon Everyone came down and sat the table. I gave them there food and they didn't know what the food was. Then I told them what it's was.( It was Loco Moco, a Hawaiian dish. It is made its rice,a sunny side up egg, a burger patty and gravy on top.)Every one tried it and they loved it. After breakfast everyone had to leave. Except for Zach he helped me clean up and he told me he was going to come back and get ready to spend the day with me so he left and I started to get ready.


Hey Guys I hope you are enjoying my story. The Mya character in this story is not mine it is @kris_besson. This person is a wonderful writer and check out her work. Please continue the series.

<3 Angel

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