Chapter 5:School

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Amber's POV

I woke up with Zach bringing me breakfast in bed. I smiled and asked why did u do this. He told me that he was thanking me for yesterday. I looked at time and I jumped out of bed. "We are going to be late for school." I exclaimed. Zach grabbed my bag and his and we took the bus there. "We go to the same school you know you just never noticed us." Zach said. I was surprised. We got to school. And I have different classes. But then Zach told me that he switched my classes so I can hang out with everyone. I was happy. My first period was with Jack, Mya, Corbyn and Jonah. I sat on the back with them. "Hey do you know where Zach was last night?" Jack asked. With a blush on my face I replied "No." Mya noticed I was lying and said "he was at your wasn't he." Then I said "Yes." feeling pressured with a blushing face. Then Corbyn noticed something on my neck. He moved my hair and gasped. I covered my neck in fear. "Corbyn what's wrong!" Jonah,Mya and Jack said at the same time. "A-A-Amber has a h-hickey on her neck."Corbyn said with a scared look on his face. They all looked at me and forced me to removed my hand. Then they all asked who did it. I didn't answer I didn't want to get Zach in trouble. Then the bell rang for break. I ran out the class room to meet up with Zach. I found Zach and caught up with him. "What's up baby girl."Zach said with a smile. I asked him if he remember the hickey that he gave me yesterday. He replied "yeah why?". "Jack and the gang are coming to find you, they figured out that it was you who did it."I said with fear in my eyes. So after school Zach and I went to my house, but the bad thing was that Jack, Jonah, Corbyn, Daniel and Mya followed us and caught us. They all came inside and Zach and Jack started to fight.


Jack- I knew it you were with her last night.
Zach- Ok yes, but there's no need of yelling right now.
Jack- and, and did you or did you not give Amber that hickey?
Zach- I admit I did give that to her, but at the time we were hiding in a janitors closet.


Amber's POV

While the twins were still bickering I got a letter in the mail. It was for me. I opened and read it.

____________The Letter____________

Dear Amber Maria Jackson,

On May 20,2018 your parents Amanda Lexi Maria Jackson and Hector Augustus Jackson died form fatal boat failure. If u can't find a home within 2 weeks then you will be in foster home. Sincerely,The Foster Community


Amber's POV

I started to cry and all the fighting stop. "Honey what's wrong." Mya said with a concerned face. I gave her the letter. She read it and said "Oh my god are u serious." I nod my head while sobbing. "You guys her both of her parents are dead." Mya said in a soft voice. Everyone froze and look at me. "I have no family now both sides have died when I was young." I said while crying. I told them I had to find a home. They all looked at each other and all said "You can move in with us." I looked up at and said "Really I can." Corbyn replies "Ya you are part of the WDW family now." "Besides you can sleep in my room." Mya said with a smile. "Really I-I don't know what to say."I start crying again. I went up stairs and started packing up. Everyone else after school for a whole week helped me het rid of stuff and pack my stuff. I moved into the WDW house a week later and it's been fantastic ever since the letter. But I can't stand Zach and Jack fighting. It's not like them to do that. All in all life, has its ups and downs, but it gets better always.


Hey guys

This was kind of a sad one but it was worth. The Mya character is a friends character not mine.

Check out @kris_besson. This persons Writing is so wonderful. Thank you for reading .Please Continue the series.

<3 Angel

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