Chapter 12: The Bracelet

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Amber's POV

"Why does Zach have this." I whispered under my breath. The bracelet said "Cause only never comes when never's all you know.". I started to tear up thinking about my memories. So I devised a plan in my head for 2 minuets. I'm going to keep this bracelet. I'm going to see if this was true. I walked out of Zach's room and went downstairs. "Are you ready?!" Daniel asked all exited. "Yes I am!" I replied back to Daniel. So we all went outside and set up the beds. "Ok, so we have 3 tent so pair up with at least two to three people." Jonah shouted in order to get our attention. Zach and Jack both ran up to me. Corbyn agent with the love of his life (Mya). And Daniel went with Jonah to say sorry about earlier today. We all went to our tents. I wore both bracelet to see if Zach would notice them.  We all sat outside the tents and ate the best pasta that I have ever had.  " Mya, this is so good." I commended her on making this food.  "Thank you so much." Mya replied back.  Then after eating the pasta we all sat around the fire that Daniel and Jonah set up.  The fire time was story time so we can get to know each other. "So who wants to go first?" Jonah asked. Corbyn when first and then everyone else when but me. " It's your turn." Mya pointed at me. "Oh ok then." I said scared not knowing what to say.

~the story~
So, a long time ago, when I was in grade school in Texas. There was this small boy that used to hang out with me all the time. We would cook together, swim together even sleep together. But, one day my parents told me that we were moving to here(LA). I felt so upset and ran to the small boys house. He was only a house down. He opened the door and took me to his room. "Why are you crying." The boy asked. I told him that I was moving and then he hugged me. My parents allowed ne to sleep over since that night was my last night there. I fell asleep. The next morning I wake up and ate breakfast. The boy and I went to the park. While at the park he came up to me and gave me an engraved that said "Cause we wise enough to know that we don't know nothing at all." I started to cry and hugged him we both ran home. When I went into my house I showed the bracelet that the boy gave me. I asked if I can get one for him. Thy said yes and took me out. When I was about time for me to go I gave him a bracelet too. It said " cause only never comes when never's all you know." . Then I moved here.

~ end of story~
Both Corbyn and Mya started to cry because the same thing happened to them. I looked at Zach's spot and he was gone

Zach's POV
I ran trying to connect my thoughts. I knew she looked familiar but I didn't know what it was. I ignored it the whole time and didn't ask. I'm so stupid. I ran into the house and up the stairs. Then into my room I went tearing though the sheets of my bed. "Where is it." I shouted. As I ran back outside.

Amber's POV
Zach ran back outside. "Zach what's wrong!?" I asked. "I can't find it." Zach cried. I asked him what he was looking for. He told me a bracelet. " Oh is this it?" I showed it to him. "Yeah it is." He said relieved. I looked at him in the eyes. "Zachary are you that kid?" I asked while showing the bracelet that I had. "Where did you get that?" He asked surprise. I told him that it was the bracelet that the kid gave me. He backed up then looked at me. Tears came to his eyes. He ran and hugged me. " Ambies is that you?" He whisper I'm my ear. I start to go to tears because I haven't herd that name since I moved. "Yes, yes it is Zachy!" I shouted. He hugged me tighter while everyone else started to cry.
A little while after I created my first Instagram account.


This is my first post. I just found my long lost best friend Zacky @imzachherron. I missed you Best Friend.

User1: waaaaaat that's crazy
User2: Awwww that's adorable
Seaveydaniel: I took the picture
imamberjackson: No @seaveydaniel you didn't it's a selfie. You can see my arm in the picture.
User3: I wish I was you
imzachherron: I missed you too @imamberjackson.


I went into my tent with Jack and Zach. "Goodnight Bubbie." I told Jack. "Goodnight Baby gurl." he replied back. Then Jack went to sleep.

30 minuets later...

"Goodnight beautiful." Zach kissed me on the forehead. "Goodnight handsome." I replied while kissing him on the cheek then went to sleep.

Hey guys,
Sorry for the delay. I have school and it's really stressful. Please check out kris_besson . This person has some great work and the Character Mya is theirs. Please continue the series.

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