Chapter 15: Why Me???

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Amber's POV

Today Corbyn decide to go on a hike today. So we all got ready to go and all crammed into the car. On the way there we decide to stop by McDonald's to get some breakfast. After getting McDonald's, it took us about an hour to get to the trail. We Got out of the car, got all our materials and set off for the hike. Five minutes later Mya starts to complain. " I am so tired. Why do we have to do this?" Mya asked. "Because I said so." Corbyn replied back. We continued to walk on and Mya still Complain. "Stop complaining hikes are fun." I told Mya. "I agree you need fresh air." Corbyn says with a big smile on his face. A few minutes later Mya was 15 feet away from the group. "Why are you so far down?" I asked concerned. Mya stops to catch her breathe. "Because I'm tired." Mya pushes out her words then sat down. Corbyn ran up to her and sat with her. Zach laughed "You are so lazy!" He continued to laugh. Mya shot a glare at. "Shut up Zachary" Mya scolded at him. Jack told Zach that what he said was ride. " I'm sorry just telling the truth." Zach said while he continued walking the path.
Corbyn stud up and started to walk. "Come on babe keep up." Corbyn shouted. " I'm sorry babe I'm exhausted". Mya huffed and puffed. Zach laughed at the sight. A few seconds later a hand came across Zach's face. Jack had slapped him for laughing. I gasped at the sight. Mya said thank you to Jack. " hey that was uncalled for". Jonah and Corbyn stated. Jack started to yell at Zach. " why are you being so mean to Mya. That's Jonah's sister for Pete's sake. That comment was so uncalled for."Jack shouted at Zach. "I was just telling the truth." Zach states. They continued to fight for a couple more minutes. "You guys, lets just continue the hike and stop fighting." I shouted while continuing going up the trail. The boys got their act together and started catch up. Corbyn looked back at Mya. She was  struggling on the terrain of the trail. "Pick up the pace princess or you don't get any kisses." Corbyn stated looking back at Mya. Then for a split second Mya speeds past everyone and goes next to Corbyn. They stop and gave each other a kiss. "I wish I had something like how they do." I whispered thinking it wasn't loud enough. Mya Awed when she herd it. Then I stated to tear up. I sat down getting ready to cry until someone picked me up bridal style and ran up the trail. I look up to see that it was Zach. In the distance I see Mya and Corbyn going back down the trail bridal style as well. Then I herd Jack. "Hey,wait up." Jack yelled while trying to catch up. Zach ran faster in order to loose the others. We stoped behind a giant bolder a little off the trail. "W-Why are you crying." Zach huffed and puffed in exhaustion. I looked down, trying not to show Zach that I was going to cry. " I wish I-I had something like how Corbyn and Mya have." I sobbed.

Jack's POV
"Hey, where did Amber and Zach go?" I asked the group. "I don't know." Corbyn replied. I started to freak out. " what if they got off trail and got lose?" I asked concerned. " I'll call Zach." Daniel suggested. Daniel put the phone up to his face. Then a ringer when off. "I guess we found them." Jonah stated. I felt my phone ring in my back pocket. "Whoops sorry that was my phone." I apologized. I  realized that Zach's phone is on silent and he could be miles away by now. "Welp we'll never find them now." Daniel states while sitting down on a rock.
Everyone started to be upset and sat down on their own rock. I started to feel angry at the fact that Zach took Amber with him. "Hey, we cant give up yet." I declared trying to bring some hope into their eyes. "Let's get into group." Jonah suggested. We all got up and picked our groups. Mya chose Corbyn (of course she would) and I went with Jonah and Daniel. Mya hugged Corbyn because she was happy that he was in her group. "Keeps your ringers on." Corbyn said while taking out his phone. We all took out our phones and turned on our ringers. We chose a pice of trail and made our separate ways.

Amber's POV
I started to cry even more. "What's wrong beautiful?" Zach Questioned once more. " I just see how happy Corbyn and Mya are and I just feel upset at the fact Mya has someone like that." I morned. Zach looked at me and told me that I had someone like that. "WHO ZACHARY WHO!?! Who would want me. I'm ugly and annoying. Why would they want me?" I yelled at Zach. "You are famous. You can get any girl in a heartbeat.i can't do that." I whined. More tears came to my eyes. "Me, Amber,it's me." Zach jester at himself. "W-what?" I sniffled. I look up at Zach. He looked down with red on his face of embarrassment. "Your just playing with my feelings." I sighed. I felt the tears come back and tried to hold them back. "No Amber, I'm not..." Zach mumbled. "Your not... Your not what!?" I snapped at him. "Im not M-messing with your feelings." Zach blurted. I saw tears roll down his face. In frustration I told him to look me strait in the eyes and say it. He lifted his head. "I am in love with you Amber, you were just too blind to see!" Zach shouted. I was flustered. "Why would YOU like me. I'm just a fan in your eyes. I said in total frustration. "Amber you are more than a fan. You are one of my best friends, the girl that lives in the same house as me, and the girl I've had a crush on since I've layer eyes on her." Zach reassured me. He took a step closer towards me. "B-but I'm annoying and I'm especially ugly." I stuttered. "No you are amazing and beautiful." He insisted. "I-i am?" I mumbled. I saw more tears roll down his face. "You-your Perfect." Zach stated while wiping away tears. "I am not perfect. I'm just another speck in the world." I said looking back down. "You're the most perfect speck. The stars in the night would be jealous of how bright you shine." Zach complemented me. My face turned red because of the situation then I stood up. As I stood up we herd people calling our names. "Oh shoot." Zach blurted. I told him to duck down so we are seen. Jack, Jonah and Daniel walk passed us. We waited a few seconds until it became quiet. "Am I really that to you." I asked Zach. "Of course. You are perfect." Zach reassured me.  I inch closer to Zach. "Do you umm want to kiss?" I asked Zach. " I mean...why not." Zach says while scooting closer. We come towards each other and we started to kiss. We were having a full out make out session. His warm lips up against mine. He pulled my body up against his. All of a sudden Mya comes out of know where and glares at us. "We can explain." I blurted. Mya smiled which caught me off guard. "Yeah ummm... we can explain." Zach said scared. Both Zach and I looked a Corbyn with a smile on his face. Then, looking back a Mya with a huge smile on her face. "Jack is not going to be happy with this." Corbyn stated. "Yo dont tell Jack." Zach urged with fear on his face. "Well he doesn't have to find out from me." Corbyn said. "What do you mean?" Zach questioned. "I don't have to say anything...that is if you tell him. Doesn't have to be now but it need to be soon.  Won't tell him bro. I would never. But he needs to know." Corbyn emphasized. I suggested at dinner. Zach agreed and we went back down the trail. I looked back at Mya. " What's with the smile?" I asked. "I'm just so happy for you guys." Mya replied back. "Really?!" I said shocked. Mya looked me in the eyes. "Of course I just didn't want you falling for the guy with a girlfriend." Mya winked at me. We both laughed then hugged. look a Zach we both smiled at each other. "Hey, lets go find the others before dark and get some dinner. I'm starving." Zach stated. Corbyn agreed and we walked down the trail. We headed Jack calling Zach and I's name. "Chill we are here no need for yelling anymore." I reassured Him. Jack glared at Zach then looked back at me. Mya tried her best to cover up the story. Daniel and Jonah was confused not followed. "Hey can we go home and eat some food?" I asked. Everyone agreed and we headed to the car. On the way to the car Daniel asked what we were going to eat. "Pastaaaaaa???" Corbyn suggested. Jack,Zach and I shouted a big yes. "Ok I'll make it since I make the best pasta." Mya stated. We all had smiles on our faces and got to the car. Jonah grabs the keys from Mya.

1 hour Later
Jonah parked the car in the drive way and Made our way into the house. "I'll got start on the pasta." Mya stated while walking to the kitchen. Corny asked if could help. Mya thought about it and let him. " I'll supervise you two so you don't burn down the house." Jonah said looking at Corbyn. Zach laughed then I smacked him on the back of his head for laughing. He apologized and he left to set the table. "I'm going upstairs to change my cloths." I shouted while running up the stairs. I got into my room and closed the door behind me. I hear something behind me. I turn to see Jack standing there. "What are you doing in here?" I asked astonished. "I just wanted to see you." Jack said sitting down on the bed. "See me?" I questioned. I stood in front of him confused. "Yeah, I wanted to see if you were ok. I saw you crying earlier and Mya told me why but I don't believe her." Jack asked. I stepped back and hesitated to say words. Amber please you can tell me." Jack tried to reassure me with his words. I looked at the closet and ran in. Jack got more worried and came in the closet with me. " I don't want to hurt you." I stated. He questioned what I said, then he scooted closer to me. Before I could explain he kissed me. He continued to kiss me for a while. I tried to pull away but, my body came closer. Then I pull away with guilt In my heart. "I'm dating Zachary." I exclaimed with tears welling up in my eyes. "What!?" Jack said flabbergasted of what he just heard.  "I didn't want to tell you. Just sorry. You kissed me." I said in guilt. " you shouldn't feel sorry. I'm the one who kissed you when were are both already dating someone." Jack said while walking away. "Wait, you are a really good kisser." I told him turning red. Both of our phones ring with Mya texting is to come down to eat. "You too." Jack answered back. He walked out. A few minutes later Mya walls on to see me crying under my bed sheets. "What's wrong." Mya asked. I look at her with tears on my eyes. "I-I was about to change and Jack was in here and and..." I cried. Mya looked at me suspiciously. "What did you do?" Mya said angrily. "Jack and I made out with each other." I blurted. Mya backed up shocked. " Amber What the heck. I thought you and Zach were together?" She questioned. I look down in shame of what I've done. I told her what happened. "Well Who pulled away?" Mya asked. I told her that I did. "Well I'm proud of you for pulling away then." Mya complimented me. "Then I told him that he was a good kisser." I told her while hiding back under the blankets. "Really I couldn't be proud of you for at least one minute." Mya said disappointed. We went down stairs and ate dinner. Before everyone left the table Zach stood up. He looked at me to stand up so I did. "Everyone we have an announcement." Zach exclaimed. I looked at Jack. He looked down in the dumps looked away. "Amber and I are dating now." Zach announced to everyone at the table. They were all happy for us. You started to clean up and Corbyn offered to help. I turned down his offer and continued to clean. "Are you ok?" Jack asked. I looked down at the dishes that I was washing. "Yeah I'm just washing dishes." I replied. When I finished my dishes I went up to my room and laid down in guilt. Mya walked in as asked if I was ok. "No I'm not. I'm stuck between 2 boys and I don't know what to do. It pains me to see Jack like this and I love Zach but I can't my mind is all over the place." I explained. Mya told me that it was going to be hard but I still had to choose. Then Zach walked in to the room. Mya left the room. "What's wrong babe?" Zach asked. "Oh nothing." I responded back. Zach suggested that we could cuddle and we did. He stated to him Nobody gatta know. I started to cry. Zach squeezed me tighter and asked what was going on. "I miss my parents." I said to him knowing that wasn't the right answer. He hugged me even more. " it's ok you have the boys, Mya and I. You have us as your family now." Zach reassured me with his words. "You're right ." I stated calming down. I looked at him with a smile on my face. "Goodnight handsome" I said kissing him on the lips. "Goodnight beautiful." He replies back and be both fell asleep.
Hey guys,
Sorry I haven't been active. School has gotten me all messed up. I promise that I'll try to be more active. Please continue the series

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2018 ⏰

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