Chapter 6: Beds

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Amber's POV
This morning was a weird morning. I woke up all happy and I go downstairs to see Jack trying to make breakfast. I snuck up right behind him. Then I hugged him around his waist and said "Good morning Jacky what are you doing." He jumped not knowing it was me. "Oh, it's you baby girl." he whispered in relief. He was trying to make breakfast. I offered to teaching and he was happy that I offered. "What are you trying to make?"I asked him. Jack was trying to make my chocolate chip pancakes that I make. So I taught him how to make them. It was fun because he looked like a child trying to cook. Everyone woke up and breakfast was ready. We all sat down at the table. Everyone thanked me. "Actually it was Jack who made breakfast." I told them with a smile. Everyone looked a Jack in astonishment. "Yup all me but with a little help of her." he said while blushing. After breakfast I noticed that there was tension in the room. It was between Zach and Jack. I don't like seeing them like this it's not right. So I decided to have one night sleeping in Jack and Zach room. Then it became night time. I told them I was getting tired. I walked up stairs and hid under Jack's blanket. When he came into the room he closed the door behind him. When he sat on the bed. I jumped out and scared him. Jack asked why I was in his bed. "Because I want to talk with you."I told him with a smirk on my face. He accepted it and we started to talk. I asked why him and Zach were acting so weird. "Well it's because of what he did To you, it wasn't smart."Jack said in pure irritation. I told him we were in a tight space. Jack started to get more mad. "You don't have to worry about me." I told Jack in a calm voice and put my hand on his shoulder. He grabbed me and took me under the sheets. Trying to change the subject. We got to close together. He looked me strait in the eyes. He started to blush and said "Hey, I'm sorry how I acted." I told him that it was fine because I understand how he felt too. So I kissed him on the cheek and told him goodnight. He hugged me from behind and kissed my neck. "Good night baby gurl." he said holding me close. I told him good night bubbie and then we fell a sleep.

The Next Morning...
I woke up to make breakfast. Zach came down stairs and saw me cooking. He came into the kitchen and grabbed me by my waist. Then he kissed me on the cheek. I asked him why he kissed me. "Doesn't  it say to Kiss the Chef" Zach asked. I replied "yes" and he kissed me again. He asked me what I was making. I told him French toast. He licked his lips and sat at the table. Then I remembered something from grade school. That a person would always ask me what I had for lunch. I don't remember the kid but, I still miss him. We were like the best of friends and I had to move away. I felt like I was going to be so alone. The world was a cruel place when I was young. So this kid went out and got me a bracket. He told me with the brackets I can be anywhere in the world and he would be still there.on the bracelet it says "'Cause we wise enough to know that we don't know nothing at all".I gave him my lucky bracelet and it said " Cause only never comes when never's all you know". Then we went our separate ways. I set out breakfast and we all ate breakfast. All day I was helping Jack and Daniel clean the house. It was night time and Jonah ordered pizza. We all watched a movie. Then I pretend that I was getting sleepy before the end of the movie. They all sent me to bed. I hid in Zach's room and scared him. We stared to talk and he said "Sorry about the hickey that I gave you." I forgave him. Then all of a sudden Zach asked me if I at least enjoyed it while blushing. I looked at him and thought to myself too. "I mean ya it felt nice."I replied turning bright red. He looked at me and pulled me under the covers. Zach looked at me then started to tickle me. Of course I started to laugh. He stopped. He looked me strait in my eyes and said truth or dare. I said "Truth." "Is it true that you are single." he asks. I told him that it was true. It was his turn and he said "True." I asked him if it was true that he was single. He replied "True." When it was my turn I chose dare and he told me to kiss him on the lips. I started to blush because what he didn't know was that it was my first kiss. So I did the dare. For some odd reason we didn't stop. We kissed for so long I didn't pay attention to time. I told him that I had to go to the restroom. He looked at me with a bright red face and we both went started coming out the room. When we walked out we saw everyone outside Zach's room except Jack. Both of our faces blushed red at the fact they caught me in Zach's room. "Hey guys what's up."I asked in a scared tone. They were ok wondering what was going on in the room. "We were just... talking." Zach tried to cover up what happened in there. They all looked at me and all said "What happened." I looked at Zack to see what to do, but he didn't know what to do. I told them what happened. Mya was so happy while the guys were freaking out."Yo, you guys we cannot tell Jack what happened." Corbyn said in a concerned/quiet manner. Zach, Mya and I asked why we couldn't tell. Corbyn told us that Jack might have a huge crush on me. "But doesn't he have a girlfriend?" Mya Questioned. Then the others told us that they have noticed how Jack's been acting around me and it was bad. So we all swore that we will not tell Jack. So after the incident we all went to bed. I slept I Zach's room he cuddled up against me and whispered "Goodnight beautiful." then kissing me on the neck. I turn around and whispered "Goodnight handsome" and kissed him on the lips. We both went to sleep cuddling each other.


Hey Guys,

i know this is alot for 1 chapter but its worth it. My friend @kris_bessoncreated the character Mya. Check out this persons work . Please continue the series.


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