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Brendon waited patiently, albeit not very long, for the feeling of a writing utensil to write on his skin. Soon, black ink appeared on his arm below his writing.


wb you?

Brendon broke out into a huge smile. Not only did his soulmate live in Vegas, but his soulmate was a boy too.

Brendon was a not-so-closeted gay teenager. He tried to hide it the best he could, but one look at the boy just screamed flaming homosexual. All of his friends knew (along with a few assuming peers), but his parents? Not so much.

He was a bit worried to tell them, to say the least.

Some religions practice the belief that if your soulmate is of the same sex, you are only to be their friend and not their significant other. Whenever Brendon thought about this, he would usually get a headache. The higher being, whatever or whoever it was, gave you your soulmate for the main purpose of being together until "death do us part". It was said at weddings for a reason; soulmates die at the same time. It was pretty rare to see a couple not be soulmates, but it happened.

Brendon snapped out of his thoughts and wrote on a different part of his arm than his soulmate did.


He obediently watched his arm as his soulmate used something, most likely a wet wipe, to get rid of their writing.

No way! he wrote to Brendon. Maybe we go to the same school?

Maybe, Brendon scribbled back. Before the older boy could write anything to Brendon, he started to ask a question. Why'd you have me stop drawing on you earlier?

His soulmate wiped their writing away. Oh, that... I was in class copying notes and the bell was about to ring. Sry.

Before he replied, he replayed the last class of the day in his head. Ryan was copying notes exceptionally fast before the bell rang. No, it couldn't have been, that's fucking ridiculous, Brendon thought. Then his mind traveled elsewhere to right before the bell rang and the way the taller boy's fingers grasped the satchel's shoulder strap, and how-

No. His mind was not going there. No way in hell.

Oh, it's ok, he wrote, shaking his head to release himself from the trance that was Ryan Ross's long ass fingers. Um, I gtg, teachers gave me a bunch of hw.

Same, the older boy wrote. Ttyl.

Bye. Brendon put his pen down and pulled out his first binder.

School is a piece of shit.


patcakes🥞: BITCHES

patcakes🥞: TH0TS

patcakes🥞: B A G U E T T E S

rowyourboat🛶: you said
baguette my interest is piqued

rowyourboat🛶: i'm also v hungry

rowyourboat🛶: what is it

patcakes🥞: MY SOULMATE

patcakes🥞 sent an image


brendead: really?

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