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the song is irrelevant up until the end when it's mentioned, so wait to play it.

As Brendon walked home from the party, since Awsten said he was "too busy", he thought about telling his parents about his soulmate. Then he started freaking out.

What were they going to do if they found out he was gay? What was he going to do if he got kicked out? Live with one of his friends? What were his friends going to do when they found out his soulmate was Ryan? What were his parents going to do when they found out his soulmate was Ryan of all people? Were they not going to give the boys a chance because of their history?

Fear and anxiety welled inside of Brendon's chest. He couldn't do it. But he had to. They'd find out one way or another. Might as well get it over with now, right?

Fighting his internal conflict, he walked up to his house and pulled out his house key. After putting it in the lock and opening the door, he stepped through to see his parents in the living room, cuddled up and watching The Notebook for what seemed like the millionth time.

"Back from Awsten's?" his mom asked, not caring to look up at the screen. Brendon may or may not have lied about where he was spending his evening.

"Uh, yeah," he muttered. "Look, can we talk?"

"Sure, honey. What about?" Grace asked, once again her eyes didn't look up from the television.

"It's kind of important."

"Oh, all right," she said in a disappointed tone, grabbing the remote and pausing the movie. His dad grumbled in annoyance but stopped once Boyd received a loving smack from his wife. "Sit down, Brenny. What is it?"

Brendon rounded his way over to his parents and sat on top of the coffee table that was in front of the couch. He hunched over and clasped his hands in between his legs. He stared straight at his parents.

"Mom, Dad, I'm going to be blunt with you. I'm gay."

"Oh, honey-" Grace started before she was cut off.

"Yeah, we kind of suspected," Boyd said.

"What? How?" Brendon asked, dumbfounded. Boyd looked at Brendon with raised eyebrows as if the teen knew the answer. "Oh, hah, yeah," he trailed off, now picking up on what his father was implying.

Maybe he should have moaned "Ryan" a bit quieter.

"But that brings me to my next thing. I know who my soulmate is, and you do too," he said. "It's, uh, Ryan. Ryan Ross."

Grace looked at Brendon with large eyes. "The boy who you fight with?" Brendon nodded. "Yep, no. No way. He is not your soulmate." Grace shook her head back and forth to emphasize her point.

"Uh, yeah, mom, he kind of is. I found out, I don't know, an hour ago maybe? The point is, is that he's my soulmate, the one I'm destined to be with."

"But why are you talking so nicely about him? You two practically harassed each other every day, not to mention that you hated each other's guts," Boyd spoke.

"Well, Dad," he started, "I never really hated him, there was something, deep down inside of me, that prevented me from doing that. When he showed me we're, well, soulmates, something in my brain clicked. It was like it was telling me that I should give him a second chance, give me a second chance at this. I can't blow this. He's my soulmate! It's going to be so hard trying to find a guy who isn't with their soulmate already. I don't want to die alone! I don't want Ryan to die alone either!" Brendon buried his head in his shaking hands.

He let out a lot. Said a lot. Too much? Was it too much? He had never really said this much to his parents before. God, what has he done? He can't take it back. Finding out Ryan was his soulmate tainted his mind, he's sure of it. Is it a bad thing? Now, yes, yes it is.

Grace and Boyd exchanged several silent glances between each other. "Well, I guess it's alright," Grace sighed. "But promise me that you'll tell me if he does anything to hurt you."

"Yes, Mom, I will." Brendon started to get up before he added, "Oh, I'm going on a date with him tomorrow. Anyways, goodnight!" He escaped the room quickly, barely hearing the rest of his mom's blabbering for him to "stay safe".


Sitting in his room at one in the morning and browsing Twitter, Ryan wrote on Brendon's arm.


Brendon looked at his arm in confusion but opened the YouTube app anyway. After typing the link in the search bar, he silently laughed.

His soulmate knew the gift to the world which is "Blonde Boyz" by Cyndago.

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