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Brendon hurried out of his final class, speeding to collect his things from his locker. He shoved all of the books he needed and placed his bag on his shoulders, just in time for Nicole to walk right next to him.

"What's got you in such a rush?" she asked.

Brendon started to walk backward away from her. "I gotta talk to Ryan, see you tomorrow!" he yelled before he could hear his friend's calls of protest. He turned around and rushed to where he could see Ryan. They both weaved in and out through the slow hordes of people.

"Ryan!" he called. He was a few paces behind him, but the hallway was loud with chatter. Ryan didn't turn around to Brendon's voice. "Ryan!" he shouted a little louder. Ryan still didn't turn around. There was only one way Brendon could think of that would get Ryan's attention. That "forbidden" name Ryan said not to call him. It was Brendon's only option at this point to get some sort of reaction.


  ♡Play the song. It's &burn by Billie Eilish and Vince Staples♡ 

Ryan abruptly stopped and spun around on his heel to face Brendon. "What the fuck do you want?" he spat once Brendon caught up to him. Venom dripped from Ryan's words.

Brendon jumped back a bit, Ryan's tone started to frighten him. "We need to talk-"

"What the fuck?" Ryan interrupted. "No!"

The commotion they caused resulted in the students around them stopping and staring at what was going on. Nothing in the history of Ryan and Brendon's "hateful" relationship ever sounded as bad as this to them, and it was just the beginning.

"Ry, please," the shorter boy whimpered. He tried to coax Ryan into calming down by reaching his arm out and trying to steady Ryan by latching onto the taller's forearm.

Ryan pulled Brendon off of himself.

"Don't 'Ry' me, and definitely do not touch me, you heartless son of a bitch," Ryan scoffed. Ryan's eyes looked like they could blow Brendon into smithereens, yet Brendon could sense the sadness and distress radiating off of his soulmate. Ryan shook his head and walked off, pushing through the ring of remaining teens who surrounded them.

Brendon stood there, shocked, until his brain finally kicked into gear and he started chasing after the older boy. He weaved his way through the students leaving the building, hoping he could catch up to Ryan. When he got outside, he looked around until he saw Ryan walking away on the football field.

Either Ryan could walk really fast, or Brendon stood in the hallway for a long time.

Brendon bolted to get to Ryan, his backpack heavily weighing on his shoulders. He decided to shrug the straps off of his shoulders to run faster. Fuck all of his teachers who made him take his textbooks home.


The boy turned around. "What the fuck are you? Some kind of leech? Go away! Leave me alone!" Ryan roared. The boys were only a few yards away from each other, making Ryan's red face obvious to Brendon.

Brendon tentatively stepped closer as if Ryan was a tiger, ready to pounce. But he wouldn't do that, right?

"Please, let me explain what I did," he pleaded. Brendon's face had fear written all over it. Maybe Ryan would take pity on the boy.

Or maybe he wouldn't.

"No! You don't get to say shit! I confessed my feelings to you, then the next day, you stand me up! This was a mistake. All of this was a fucking mistake. Just forget everything I told you," Ryan muttered, shaking his head. His anger finally seemed to dissipate.

"I didn't stand you up," Brendon tried.

"Then what were you doing? Sucking face with Dallon again?" Ryan snapped.

Now they were back to square one.

Brendon looked at Ryan with a horrified and disgusted look on his face. "What? No, we're just friends, and I swear that's not why I wasn't there."

"Sure, sure it wasn't," Ryan sneered sarcastically.

"That wasn't what happened!"

Ryan laughed dryly. "But you sure did break me into fucking pieces, didn't you?"

Brendon didn't know if it was because Ryan had gotten too caught up in the moment, but he saw the latter swing his fist back.

Ryan's knuckles collided with Brendon's cheekbone.

The soulmates never inflicted legitimate damage on each other before, just a slap here or there if anything had gotten heated. Brendon was convinced a bruise was forming where Ryan's fist connected with his face.

He couldn't believe Ryan would actually punch him.

Brendon covered his face with his hand. His line of vision that was previously on the ground moved up to see Ryan's expression. Brendon closed his eyes tightly, tears rolled down his cheeks before he opened them again.

Ryan stared at his hand in shock and slowly curled and uncurled his fingers. There were tears in his eyes, either from the pain in his hand or hitting his soulmate, Brendon couldn't tell which. The wavey haired boy gradually looked up at Brendon's broken appearance. He almost looked as if he was going to reach out or apologize, but Brendon saw the fire ignite back into his eyes. "Fuck you," he spat, turning and walking away.

Brendon crumpled to the ground, the break in Ryan's voice not leaving his mind.

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