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He was so ready for this evening.

It seemed like Brendon kept asking Ryan for confirmation on what time he should be at the restaurant they were going to as he was getting dressed. As he pulled on a white button-up he had to get for a cousin's wedding, he wrote on his arm to confirm the time. He buttoned it up, and afterwards, he asked Ryan again. After he pulled on black slacks he had for that same wedding and tucked in his shirt, he asked for the third time.

christ, bren. you'll be fine, Ryan wrote after Brendon asked, again for a fourth time. now i have to wash this shit off haha.

Feeling guilty, Brendon wrote back, Fuck I'm sorry let me do it. Before he could even leave his room to get into his bathroom, Ryan already washed it away. Sighing, he walked over to grab his wallet off of his dresser and shoved it into his pocket, along with a pen, before heading downstairs. Once he reached the bottom of the staircase, he saw his mom making dinner for herself and his father, so he went up to her to get the keys to her car.

"Hey, Ma, can I have your keys?" he asked her.

Grace turned around from the stove to see her well dressed son. "Aw, honey, you look so grown up. You're going to make me cry!"

Brendon groaned. "Keys. That's all I'm asking for."

"Fine then," she huffed without any actual form of aggression. She walked away and disappeared upstairs to her room then reappeared a few minutes later. "Here ya go." She handed over the keys and an unexpected twenty dollar bill. "Knock yourself out, kid."

"Thank you," Brendon smiled brightly before wrapping his mom in a large hug. "You're the best."

"I try," she said smugly as they pulled apart. She looked back at her son and sighed. "I can't believe how old you are. It seems like just yesterday you were learning to tie your shoes."

"We went over this last time."

"I know, but, God, my baby's growing up."

Brendon blushed in embarrassment even though there wasn't anyone else around. "Mom."

"Okay, okay, I'll stop moping. Just have fun and stay safe," she smiled, yet there was sadness in her eyes.

"Thanks again, Mom." He kissed her cheek and walked to the front door where he opened the closet in the small hallway and pulled out a pair of dress shoes. He slid them on his feet before walking out of their house and to Grace's car, the keys in hand and the twenty slipped into his wallet.


As Brendon drove, he caught sight of a little flower shop near where their failed date was. He decided to stop and pull the car into a parking spot. He got out of the car and entered the flower shop, unaware of the familiar face sitting inside.

"Hey, Brendon!" Awsten called from behind the counter.

"Awsten? I didn't know you worked here," Brendon said as he stepped closer to his friend.

"Oh, I don't. I'm just here because I was feeling lonely and I wanted to see my boyfriend," he told Brendon without any shame. "Geoff!" he called.

A boy with brown hair who looked a little bit older than them poked his head out from an arrangement of roses and other flowers. "Yeah, Aws?"

"Come meet my friend!"

Abandoning the flowers, Geoff made his way over to his boyfriend and his friend, his hand stretching out in greeting. Brendon took the offered hand and shook it. "It's nice to finally meet you. Awsten can't shut up about how perfect you are," he smirked, their shake breaking.

hidden hearts ♡ ryden {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now