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Play the song, it's Super Fade by Fall Out Boy

Brendon stared at the now closed door. His stomach dropped to his feet.

He had a bad feeling about this.

He turned his attention back to Dallon whose face was flushed, in contrast with Brendon's sheet white features. "Dallon, look, I-I've gotta go. See you Monday, yeah?" he sputtered out, not waiting for an answer. As he left a confused and slightly hurt Dallon behind him, he weaved through the hordes of people in the foyer.

"Move, dammit," he muttered to himself when he saw a group of teens huddled tightly together in front of the door. He couldn't wait any longer, not that he waited a long in the first place, but he had someone to hunt down. He pushed through the mass of people, opening the door and dashing down Ryan Seaman's freshly trimmed front lawn.

He glanced around at the sidewalk, not seeing anyone. "Fuck, fuck, fuck," he cursed under his breath. He jogged out a little farther, finally seeing a slouched, shuttering, and slow figure disappear into the night. When the body was directly under a street lamp, he knew exactly who it was. The brown vest and red striped shirt was a dead giveaway.

Brendon sprinted to the slumped over boy, panting and out of breath. He was more out of shape than he thought he was.


The taller boy whipped his head up and stood up straight. Brendon noticed his tear stains were glistening under the artificial light source. "What the fuck do you want?" he spat.

"I just- why'd you storm off?" he asked. Truthfully, Brendon knew the answer, but he was denying it. He didn't want it to be true. No thanks, not today (or ever).

"Why'd you follow me? Why'd you leave the party? Why'd Dallon shove his goddamn tongue down your fucking throat? You didn't have to do any of those things, but you did!"

"First of all, Dallon came onto me, thank you very much. Secondly, I followed you because I want answers! I have no idea what the fuck is going on!" he shouted back.

Both of the boys had never been this angry at each other, and it was showing. Their faces were both beet red, and they were up in each other's faces. Ryan had exasperatedly thrown his hands up in the air when deemed necessary, and Brendon had his hands clenched and by his sides.

"Are you blind? Are you that fucking blind?" Ryan yelled.

"W-What do you mean?"

Ryan breathed in deeply and sighed, calming himself down. "Since eighth grade I've had a massive crush on you, more than anyone else I've laid eyes on," he confessed, barely above a whisper. His cheeks tinted red as he nervously started to comb his fingers through his hair.

"Why did you start to pick on me?" Brendon asked almost as softly as Ryan had spoken.

"Because my parents taught me, my entire fucking life, that liking a boy or having one as a soulmate was 'unnatural' and 'wrong'. God, this is going to sound so fucking stupid, but I started to pick on you because I thought it was entirely your fault that I was going against my parents' beliefs and why I was completely infatuated by you. I was brainwashed for so fucking long until, uh, you wrote you were a boy. I thought I might as well give it a shot and think for myself for once, and here we are now." Ryan awkwardly fiddled with his fingers and avoided eye contact with Brendon. He didn't want to see the boy's reaction.

Brendon's face was drained completely, leaving it as white as a polar bear in a snowstorm. He dreaded his thoughts would be right, and they turned out to be true. "Fuck," he muttered, looking down, "I really don't know what to say except for, why?"

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