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"Christ, Bren," Ryan groaned. "Could you possibly go any faster?"

"Oh, I definitely can," Brendon smirked, picking up his pace.

"Goddammit," Ryan grunted, struggling to catch up. "You know that I was being sarcastic, right?"

"Of course I did, babe," Brendon yelled back at his soulmate as he jogged up the hill backward. Brendon stopped when he reached the top, seemingly barely out of breath. He watched as Ryan, who had a light dusting of pink on his cheeks, trudged up the hill. Once he reached Brendon, he collapsed on the hill, breathing somewhat heavily.

"Fuck, I didn't know I was this out of shape," the brunette panted, his chest rising and falling with every breath of air he took. "And it's, like, freezing out here. Tell me why you made me suffer during the treacherous journey up this hill?"

Brendon took a seat next to the sprawled-out Ryan, grabbing one of his hands that was on his stomach, subconsciously playing with his fingers and tracing random patterns into his skin. "Oh, come on, stop being overdramatic," Brendon teased.

"I'm overdramatic? You dragged me here against my will saying this was a life or death situation, not even telling me we'd be outdoors."

"Okay, okay, you win," he chuckled. "I just wanted to spend some quality time with you."

"Out in the cold? On a big ass hill?" Ryan asked, turning his head to look at Brendon.

"It's not that cold."

"It's mid-December and the sun is getting close to setting. This isn't cold to you?"

"Well, I guess it is a little chilly."

"Thank you," Ryan said smugly, looking back up at the darkening sky. "I still can't believe you're actually mine. Like, even though I had denied that I was gay, I still thought about holding you and kissing you and doing couple-y shit. But now, now it's actually happening and you're actually my soulmate. My entire life's been pretty shitty, and now things are starting to go my way. This is all so surreal to me."

Brendon looked down at Ryan with adoration in his eyes before speaking. "Well, you deserve it," he told Ryan. "I never thought in a million years you'd be my soulmate. Even though you are and I really like you, like, a lot, I still wonder what inside me made me snap into liking you. Was it the fact you told me and something inside of me just clicked, or the fact the author was too lazy for character development and world-building?"

"Probably the latter."


"What?" Ryan sat up and shuffled closer to Brendon, shoulders brushing. The younger boy rested his head on the older's shoulder, both watching the setting sun going down the horizon. The golden hues that had once lit up the sky had turned into a delicate, soft pink.

"Do you think anything bad will happen between us again?" Brendon asked out of the blue, the sky now purple as the minutes passed. Two minutes went by, and Brendon was regretting his question. "Sorry, that was-"

"No," Ryan started, interrupting Brendon. "Remember how I told you that I found countless sources that soulmates always end up together?"

"Yeah, I guess you're right," the raven admitted. "What about those people who, I don't know, never meet and one of them dies so the other one does too?"

"I've read instances like that, but we're together; we don't have to worry about that. There's nothing really to worry about in our relationship, we're kind of smooth sailing from here."

"Won't that take out the fun in relationships? Not fighting or any kind of drama?"

"Fighting's normal for a relationship, it's bound to happen. Just because we're meant for each other doesn't mean there won't be any kinks in it."

"Oh trust me," Brendon smirked, "there'll definitely be some kinks in it."

Ryan let out a small laugh and kissed Brendon's head. "You better not have a daddy kink or you'll be hearing from my lawyer."

"You might want to call them up then, Daddy."

"Fuck off."


a/n: oh my god i am so sorry that those who are, for whatever reason, still waiting for this to be over, that this is the last chapter. i had this written months ago and had an idea to keep continuing this but that never happened. i'm not inspired to continue writing this, but there could be a chance that i'll get inspiration and pick this up again to carry out my ideas. for the most part, this story is finished. i'm so sorry for having this on hold for so long and only writing one chapter.

i do have an idea for a future fic though (ryden o.o). i'll only publish it when i finish writing the whole thing so there's not another one of these fiascos again.

have a good one~ 

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