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"Remember when The Black Eyed Peas used to be a thing?" Awsten asked as his head dangled from Brendon's bed. He returned no longer than fifteen minutes ago from getting his car from the school's parking lot. He hadn't missed much, his other friends talked about meaningless things that Awsten would be uninterested in talking about.

"Dude, they were my shit," Nicole commented. "My mom bought me two of their albums for my birthday one year because I was so obsessed. It was a problem."

Every let out small chuckles, but it eventually turned into an awkward silence. It was weird, considering they've been friends for so long that they didn't know what to talk about.

A few minutes passed before Brendon, who was laying on the ground, let out a heavy sigh. "Okay, on a serious note, guys, I have a problem, and I don't know how to fix it. I can't keep not talking to Ryan, it's, like, impossible. He doesn't want to talk to me, but I need him to know the whole story."

Patrick groaned. "Brendon, you can't immediately start talking to him. What if he snaps? Will you be able to fix it then?"

"He'll probably want to avoid you. Honestly, I don't blame him for ignoring you," Nicole shrugged.

Brendon glared at Nicole. "But, yeah, I guess you're right, Trick," Brendon muttered.

"I'm always right," he smiled smugly.

Awsten clicked his tongue on the roof of his mouth. "That is not correct. Because according to the Encyclopedia of," he quoted before making weird noises with his mouth.

"Oh yeah, how so?" Patrick challenged.

"No, no, no. Guys, the ice cream place is this way," the grape haired boy mocked.

"Shut up!" The boy's cheeks started to turn red; he hated being wrong. The memory of that night wasn't helping.

"If I recall," Awsten continued, ignoring Patrick's yells of protest, "we walked an hour away from home and didn't get back until eleven o'clock on a Sunday night."

"Well I'm sorry you're all wimps and have to go to bed by nine," Patrick huffed. Everyone started to laugh at his comment.

"You came over a couple weeks ago and fell asleep at eight. On a Saturday," Brendon pointed out, his laughter starting to fade.

"And how are you not the wimp? When we watched Coraline on Halloween you flipped your shit," Nicole added.

"That movie was scary!" Patrick exclaimed.

"I saw that when I was nine and I thought it was super tame!" Awsten argued.

"Ugh, whatever. You guys are weird," Patrick bristled, crossing his arms. His face became impossibly redder.

"Ironic, coming from the person who told me to, 'step my pussy up.'"

"I was quoting a vine, jeez."

Brendon raised his arms up in mock defense. "Just sayin'."


That night after his friends had left, Brendon lay in his empty bed. He needed to think of some way to talk to Ryan. The distance between them was unbearable for Brendon, which was quite ironic.

It's just insane how much the boy changed Brendon, he thought. Before he even knew Ryan was his soulmate, he felt bad for seeing him storm out after Dallon kissed him. If it was like an ordinary relationship, he wouldn't be having this problem. Hell, he wouldn't have even gone on a date with Ryan if that was the case. But it just had to be Brendon's unfortunate luck because they're soulmates.

Ryan sure as hell changed him, though, and Brendon's not so sure if it was for the better.

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