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A week later, Brendon sat completely bored out of his mind in math, as it was his last class. He sat in his seat with the side of his face in his hand. The teacher was droning on about a new concept or something, Brendon wasn't quite sure, but he soon felt writing or a drawing, most likely the latter, on his hand that was resting by his propped up elbow. He chose to ignore it because he didn't need Mrs. Mitchell to reprimand him on his inability to pay attention to the "useful" material that was being taught.

Mrs. Mitchell paused mid-sentence to glare at a student. "Mr. Ross!" she yelled, causing everyone to turn their attention to the desk in the middle of the room, "I expect you to pay attention, not write jibber jabber to your soulmate! Put the pen away before I give you a detention slip!"

Ryan stared wide-eyed at the teacher, nodding. "Yes, ma'am," he squeaked.

For someone so awful, he sure can put on a believable facade, Brendon thought. And goddamn, that voice is so- Brendon rubbed his eyes. What the hell? For some reason, being in the presence, or even just having thoughts of Ryan clouded his thoughts with lust for the boy, and they had been like this since they've started their rivalry. Brendon's thoughts were ripped from his mind when the bell rang, signaling they could leave.

He stayed behind until Ryan finished packing his things, then he followed him out of the classroom. He wasn't sure why his mind was thinking this way, so he snapped out of it and smacked the taller boy on the back of the head.

"What the hell?" Ryan scowled as he turned to see his attacker. "The fuck do you want?" he asked when he recognized Brendon.

"Just wanted to annoy you," Brendon responded, smiling sweetly.

"Fuck you," he said while rolling his eyes.

"You wish, pumpkin."

Ryan grabbed Brendon's wrists and pinned him up against the lockers next to them. "What did you just call me?" he fumed. His warm breath was in Brendon's ear, making the boy beneath him writhe.

"P-pumpkin," Brendon stuttered. He never stuttered in Ryan's presence. Ever. There was something about his aggression; Brendon thought he could see a flash of hurt, or some sort of pain, sadness maybe, in his eyes.

"Don't call me that ever again," Ryan seethed.

"Okay, okay," he said just above a whisper.

"Good." Ryan started to release his grip on Brendon's wrists but stopped. "Where is this from?" he asked in an accusing tone.

Brendon brought his hand down, looking at what Ryan was talking about. "I-I don't know, I think my soulmate, I don't know how else I would have gotten it."

They both continued to stare at the flowery design on his hand before Ryan snorted. "My God, you're so fucking gay, even your soulmate knows."

"So what? Do have a problem with that?" Brendon retorted before turning away and walking off without a second glance. Hearing feet thudding behind him, he soon had a hand grab his arm and whirl him around.

"Brendon, I didn't mean it like that, I just got-"

"Oh, fuck off," Brendon interrupted, turning back around and storming off to his friends, leaving a bewildered, pained Ryan behind him. Brendon himself felt a pang of hurt but brushed it off as nothing.

"Hey, Brendo- woah, what got your panties in a twist?" Nicole asks once he gets to them.

"Someone forgot to remind me how stupid and homophobic Ryan Ross is."

"You had to be reminded?" Patrick deadpanned. He set his fedora back on his head after seven hours of having to leave it in his locker.

"Shut up." Brendon nudged Patrick with his shoulder. They walked out of the school in silence until Brendon spoke again. "I'm so confused though."

"About what?" Patrick questioned as the friend group stepped out of the school.


"And why would you be confused about that asshat?"

"Because, well, I'm not sure. Today was weird though, like, what just happened. I did something that got him super pissed so he pinned me up against some lockers, y'know, the usual stuff. He looks at this," Brendon showed them the drawing his soulmate did, "and says, 'You're so gay, even your soulmate knows.' I defend myself and walk away, then he comes up to me and stops me, and he has a really apologetic face and tries to apologize or some bullshit, I don't know, but I cut him off and here we are."

Nicole hummed as if she was in thought before saying, "Maybe he was angry at you from before so he went off on you? You do know that one way of finding your sexuality is denial, right? So maybe he got offended at whatever you did, then he tried to cover up his gay vibes with homophobic vibes."

"Are you defending him?"

"No, no, I'm just telling you to look at the other side, then draw your conclusions," she defended herself.

"Yeah, I guess," he admitted. "But I just don't get it."

"Maybe he figured out that your soulmate isn't an asshole, unlike him," Patrick suggested, laughing.

Brendon and Nicole laughed along before they walked up to Brendon's house. "See you losers tomorrow!" he called.

He entered his house and went up to his room, emptying the contents of his backpack and looking around for his homework.


Brendon was about to get under the covers of his warm bed when his soulmate wrote to him.

sometimes people can be so stupid.

Brendon found a pen and scribbled down, agreed. He set down the pen again, about to get to bed when his soulmate wrote something else.

goodnight xx

Brendon blushed at his hand where it was written and wrote underneath it.

goodnight xx

He soon set the pen down and got into bed, taking his glasses off and setting them on his nightstand. He crawled under the covers and tried to fall asleep, although he couldn't.

His soulmate's name started with an 'R'. Maybe his name was Russell? Ralph? Riley? Ryland? Ryan?


Oh God, Brendon thought as previous thoughts of the boy engulfed his mind.

The way he slammed him against the cold, metal lockers.

The way his warm breath felt on his neck.

The way his hands gripped Brendon's wrists.

The power Ryan had over him.

Dammit. His boxers were getting tighter.


A/N: There won't be any smut in the rewrite, but I might put some in my Ryden oneshot book, so I'll let you know if I do.

I also want to know, what are your thoughts so far? Opinions? I'd like to become a better writer, so feedback is highly appreciated!!! (<<I probably sound super annoying lmao)

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