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Brendon was at his locker the next day, putting his textbooks he didn't need for his first classes away when an acquaintance of his walked up to him.

Dallon was someone that Brendon got along with, but they weren't close. They had met eight months ago, sometime around the middle of March. Brendon was invited to a party in which he didn't really know anyone. He ended up talking to Dallon for a majority of it since Dallon was in the same boat.

Except when the one guy Brendon got fucked by talked to him, then he left Dallon for whatever that was.

Brendon turned when he heard steps, seeing the tree boy next to him. “Hey, Dal! I haven't seen you in a while. What's up?” he inquired, smiling and looking up to meet Dallon's gaze.

“Well,” he started, scratching the back of his neck with his free hand while the other was clutching his books, “my friend, Ryan Seaman, is having a huge party and-"

“The one with the blue hair?” Brendon interrupted.

Dallon chuckled. “Yeah, the one with the blue hair. Anyway, he told me to tell a bunch of people that he's having a party tomorrow after school at seven o'clock. Are you able to come?”

“Hmm, let me think. A boring ass Friday night doing absolutely nothing...” he muttered then slammed his locker shut, turning all of his attention on the giraffe. “Yep! I'm free. Mind if I invite my friends?”

“Not at all! Ryan doesn't really give much of a shit about who comes. His house is massive anyways.”

“He still lives on Hemlock, right?” Brendon asked, making sure he remembered where Ryan lived. He went to his house for a project once during freshman year but hadn't been back since.

Dallon nodded, a reassuring smile adorning his face. “Yep, lived there all of his life,” he shrugged. The warning bell rang shortly after his sentence ended. “I'll see you there, yeah?”

Brendon thought he could see a dusting of pink on the dark haired boys cheeks, but he brushed it off as nothing. “You sure will,” he winked, making finger guns as well as a person holding binders could. “Well, I'll see you then, I've gotta book it over to Iero’s room. See ya!”

“Bye and good luck! His class sucks.”

Brendon stepped backwards away from Dallon, but not in an unfriendly manner. “Tell me about it. He won't shut up about how great that one teacher's name is.” After that, he turned around and speedwalked his way to the start of his daily dose of hell.


“Hey, did you guys hear about the party going on tomorrow?” Brendon asked his friends sitting at the lunch table with him.

“Ryan Seaman’s? Yeah, I'm going to that,” Nicole said while shoving a french fry in her mouth.

“I'm not too big on the party scene, and you know that, so I'm not going,” Patrick paused, “wait, Bren, you could have your soulmate come and meet you!”

“Ooh yeah, ‘R’ can show you a good time,” one of Brendon's other friends, Awsten, winked and nudged him with his elbow.

“Shut up,” Brendon glared as he pushed the grape haired boy.

“I didn't do anything,” he lied, throwing his hands up and feigning innocence with a smirk. “Unlike William, because damn, I heard he did some things to you that-”

“Shut the fuck up!” Brendon groaned, his head hitting the table. “That was one time and a huge mistake,” he muttered, his cheeks burning at the memory.

“Really? You wouldn't shut up about how big-"

“My God, Awsten, fucking shut up!”

Everyone, besides Brendon of course, snickered before Nicole asked, “Well? You gonna ask ‘R’?”

Lifting his head, Brendon let out a defeated sigh. “I guess.” Brendon pulled a pen from his back pocket and wrote on his arm, What school do you go to?

He waited a few moments before he got a response. Palo Verde… why?

Brendon audibly gasped and slammed his hands on the table before exclaiming, “Guys! He goes to our school!”

“Lucky,” Patrick mummered, crossing his arms.

“Aw, is wittle Patwick upset because his Petey Wetey wivs in Chicago?” Awsten mocked, Nicole ruffling the short boy’s hair.

Brendon laughed, then tuned out the rest of their little “fight" so he could answer his soulmate. I go there too!!! There's a party @ Ryan Seaman’s tmr @ 7. Can you make it?

Yeah. I'll come to you at some point too xx

Brendon looked at his arm with a shocked expression. You know who I am?

Yes, R wrote. I want you to know who I am tmr night. You'll know when to expect me, trust me.

Brendon continued to stare at his arm with a dumbfounded expression until fingers snapped in front of his face.

“Earth to Brendon,” Nicole called out. “You good?”

Brendon nodded and gulped. “Yeah, yeah I'm fine…” he zoned out.

“Brendon!” she shouted, snapping out of his daze once more.

“Sorry, it's just, I'm going to see R tomorrow and-"

What?” Awsten blurted out.

“Yeah he’s coming to the party...” he trailed off like it was obvious.

“You're coming with me after school tomorrow,” he told Brendon in a tone that said to not argue with him.

“Uh, okay?” he said, more of a question than a statement.

"I've gotta pick out your clothes, idiot."


The rest of the day was filled with anxiety and anticipation for Friday. Somewhere, deep down, Brendon thought he'd met his soulmate before.

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