Bad Intentions

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The day passed by, the school football game came. I'm forced to go because Elena pushed Stefan to go and join football, Ty and Matt will be there of course to play football, and the girls will be cheerleading. Wow, I need a life. Unless Elena quit cheerleading, I have no idea honestly.

After telling Damon about my necklace last night, which I have told no one about, I have decided to not wear it. Because I finally realized I need to let go of Noah because he's gone. Forever. Or at least for a long, long time.


Lately Ty and Jer have been getting into a lot of fights about Vick. I guess it's a good thing I don't feel anything for him. If I did, Ty would be going for two girls. But I didn't care right now, because he was nothing more than a distraction.

Me and Tyler were just pulling up to the field. While closing the car doors he asked, "I've got a little extra time on my hands. Feel like going for a walk?" I shrug, smiling.


And by walk he meant heated make out session. Yeah...

I mean, to be honest, at first it was a walk. But then--things escalated.

That little extra time ran out and Tyler ran over to the rest of his teammates. I wished him luck, kissing his cheek before he ran off with a smile.

Something tells me Tyler isn't willing to be my distraction just for me, I think he needs it to. I heard some stuff about him and Vicki, and little Gilbert.

I hear Mr. Tanner give the same speech he says every year. My eye catches Stefan in the crowd. Looking dreamily at Elena. I caught Matt watching them, looking rather hurt. I frowned for poor Matty.

When everything was going perfectly fine, Tyler had to walk away to Vicki, which caused him to see Jeremy, which lead to a fight. It wasn't just yelling at each other, it was getting physical.

Jeremy got the first punch in. After that, it was back and forth pushing and hitting. The cheering crowd died down the second they noticed what was happening right behind them.

People crowded Tyler and Jeremy, going at it. Stefan stepped in, attempting a heroic move for Elena. Elena followed. Vicki simply stood there, screamimg for the two to stop when she did absolutely nothing else. I ran over now, seeing the blood dripping from Jeremy.

When Tyler pulled his arm back, his fist ready for a punch, Stefan grabbed it before he could force it forward. Surprised, Tyler turned to see who was interrupting. Once he saw Stefan, he didn't hesitate to punch Stefan in the stomach instead of punching Jeremy. However it backfired for Tyler when the punch did not even affect Stefan, he didn't even flinch or hold his stomach in pain. He simply stared down Tyler. Confused as hell, Tyler still tried to attempt another punch. But Stefan skillfully pushed Tyler away.

I was so captured and entertained by the fight that I didn't even see Jeremy grab a broken beer bottle glass to thrash it violently at Tyler. But since Stefan pushed Tyler away, the broken glass slashed at Stefan's hand, blood dripping down it. I let out a gasp, momentarily forgetting Stefan could heal. As expected, Stefan didn't seem affected. And just like Tyler was, Jeremy seemed confused as hell.

Elena ran over to Jeremy, to lecture him I assume. I couldn't help myself, but I ran to Stefan. I grabbed his hand, he looked at me with surprise and confusion. If I didn't know he could heal, I'd probably be extremely worried. But I know he can heal, so I'm not worried. Worry isn't the reason I grabbed his hand. I grabbed it to watch the healing process. I wanted to witness it.

And I did. It looked so amazing! His ripped skin just closed back together like if it never happened. Although, the blood that dripped remained, of course. I felt someone come up from behind, and I knew it was Elena. On instinct, I used my sleeve to wipe away his blood.

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