Chapter 14- The Championship Match

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Tyler woke up at 7 a.m. and went down to the Hotel to practice. He had an intense match today. He was facing the head staff of the island, who had surpassed her trainer and since went undefeated. She also runs the Tennis Event.

Tyler always practiced inside the hotel, in one of the breakrooms. The matches took place at the hotels backyard, so there was always a crowd. Tyler was scared, as she had even destroyed her coach, with a score of 6-1.

However, Tyler has had some ups and downs. He has a natural gift with the paddle, and he has too, defeaten some of the islands strongest competeters. Including the champions coach.

The match was going to start at 12. Tyler was pumped. It was time to show her that theres a new champion in town.

Meanwhile, Ethan was talking to Mark. "Hey Mark, are you gonna come to Tylers Match?"

Mark frowned. "I would, but I signed up for BasketBall. It starts at 12. Amy and Kat I beleive are going to the spa, so I Imagine they Might come."

Ethan smiled. "Thats ok. Atleast we are all going bowling later."

Mark smiled. "Yup."

Timeskip brought to you by the horrible hours of my life I spent pouring concrete at that damn job and now my back hurts ;)

Ethan sat himself down on the bleachers, with a cup of lemonade the hotel served. Ethan saw Tyler getting ready. Ethan stared at his body, noticing the sweat. Ethan bluahed intensly. He whispered to himself. "I should tell him tonight."

Nobody heard Ethan, though. Tyler walked over to the table, and saw his oppenet walk into the yard. She had short hair, and her name was Alicia.

The ref walked into the court and yelled. "MATCH TO 6! CHAMPIONSHIP  MATCH! READY GO!"

Timeskip brought to you by My lazy ass not wanting to write more.


Ethan stood up and cheered. "Great Job Ty! Woohoo!!"

Tyler wiped his sweat and raised his hand. "YES!"

End of Chapter 14.

(Im so tired rn Im actually gonna sleep so goodnight yall. I think im gonna write some more tommorow. I hate being gay. Goodnight Yall😂😂😂😂😭😭😭)

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