Chapter 17- Things Are Getting Heated

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After a long day of bowling, the gang headed back to the hotel. Ethan and Tyler decided during bowling that they would watch the sunset, then hang out by the pool. Tyler thought about what would happen, to make Ethan want to hang out.

It curiously made him crave Ethan, as the whole trip so far has been focused on Ethan. Tyler wanted to tell him, but he felt like he was rushing things.

Tyler opened the key to his apartment and barged in, and he grabbed his robe. "Hey Ethan, why dont we watch the sunset out at the porch, we have a clear view."

Ethan beamed, seeming to like the idea. "Yea sure! I would love a soda too."

Tyler laughed. "Ill take a glass of champagne, your too young."

Ethan laughed. "I know. I might not even have alchohol when im older. I dont wanna be one of the drunks later in life."

Tyler laughed. "Me too! But wine tastes good, so ill have a glass."

Ethan smiled. "I know im twenty one, but I think im too young. 22 Sounds better."

Tyler laughed. "One year?!"

They both laughed, as Tyler poured himself a glass of wine, and he also poured some sprite into a magarita glass. For effect.

Tyler handed Ethan the drink. "Its Sprite, dont worry."

Ethan laughed. "Thanks Tyler."

He didnt say the usual "Ty", so it surprised Tyler alot. Ethan drank out of the glass and watched the sunset. The colors were a brigbt orange, with a bright, yet delicate purple filling the sky. The clouds swirled, as the smell of champagne and love filled the air. Tyler had found the most romantic part about the trip, just being together.

"Hey Ethan?"

Tyler asked Ethan as he drank his wine. "Would you like to do this again tommorow?"

Tyler didnt have the courage to ask Ethan out that night, so He wanted to do it the next day. Since tommorow was the final day they would stay at the Resort, it would finish the trip perfectly. Ethan replied, calmly.


End of Chapter 17.

(Im gonna go put on a face mask to make my face look cute even though its fucking ugly, and then peel it off and write. My life is good right now.)

Tythan ResortOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz