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Warning: straight smut (kind of).

"Oh my god." Camila moaned, her delightful cocoa eyes closing in pleasure.
"Lauren! I-I'm about to-."

"Lauren! Lauren!"

Lauren opened her eyes quickly, staring up at an unpleased Miss Cabello stood in front of her desk with a slight scowl.
Laurens' brow creased, becoming confused to what just happened and where the hell she was.

"You fell asleep in class Lauren." Miss Cabello said with a slight eye roll. "Detention at Lunch."

Lauren rolled her eyes and groaned internally. Not only did she have a sex dream about Miss Cabello, but now she has a detention with her! When would things end?

The bell rang a few minutes later and students hurriedly filed out the door, Lauren staying put for her lunchtime detention with Miss Cabello.

She watched as Camila sat down at her desk, looking through a stack of paperwork.
"Lauren? Could you help me with these please?"

Lauren nodded and made her way over to Miss Cabello, plopping down into a seat next to her.
"What do you need help with?"

Camila silently passed her a stack of papers, indicating that she wanted the Quizzes marked.

They worked in silence for the next thirty minutes, their elbows and arms touching from time to time, causing both girls' arms to erupt in small goosebumps.

Lauren would steal glances at Camila from time to time, blushing when she immediately recoils the memory of her intense sex dream.

Oh how she wishes it could be somewhat real.

"Do you need anything else Miss Cabello?" Lauren asked once she had finished marking the quizzes, eager to get out of this stuffy heated classroom.

Camila shook her head without a word, not even bothering to tear her eyes away from her papers to glance at Lauren.

"You can go now."

So Lauren did. She left the classroom quickly, trying to ignore the lump in her throat and the way Camila ignoring her completely made her heart throb with pain.

By the time she had left the classroom and had started making her way to the cafeteria, Lauren had realised that lunch was already almost over, so with a long tired sigh Lauren made her way to her next class, silently trying to ignore a small brunette always on her mind.


It was 11 pm and Lauren was slowly drifting to sleep in her bed, having just finished a face time call with Normani and Ally. Her eyes fluttered close, and she felt her body slowly drifting off... that was until she heard a strange noise coming from the left wall of her bedroom.


Lauren cringed. Was that-. Were they-.
No it couldn't be. It couldn't...

"Ughhhhhhh Michael, fuck."

Lauren's eyes rolled to the back of her head, momentarily frozen in space.
It was.
Miss Cabello was having sex with Michael. Right next to her bedroom. At 11pm at night.

"Fuck Camila." She heard a slight grunt then a series of continuous moans, each one seeming to get louder by the very second.

Lauren was too stunned to move. Too...traumatised.

After a minute or two of just sitting in pure shock and confusion, Lauren quickly regained her senses, and plugged in a pair of beats headphones, blasting her music to the highest volume, ignoring her heart that seemed to shatter at the mere thought of Camila throwing her heart to someone that was not Lauren.

Lauren was being silly. It was a stupid crush. She'd get over it within a few days.

That didn't stop Lauren from crying herself to sleep that night, or really, the rest of the week after.

And that didn't stop Lauren from ignoring Miss Cabello every chance she got. Misbehaving in her lessons, returning snarky comments when she was called to answer a question, deliberately forgetting to hand her homework in.

By the second week of Lauren just being plain out snappy and distant, Miss Cabello knew something was wrong.


It was Friday, and the bell to the end of the day had just rung, causing Lauren to hurriedly pack up her bag and make her way to the door.

She was stopped when she heard a timid voice calling her.

"Yes Miss Cabello."
She rolled her eyes, showing she would rather be anywhere but here in this classroom with the woman she had grown hugely fond of, only for her to tear her heart in pieces.

Miss Cabello's eyes widened in surprise, Lauren's new attitude still a vast shock to her.
"Um... I just wanted to ask you what was wrong?"

Lauren chucked humourlessly, a slight coat of wetness seeping into her emerald eyes.

Miss Cabello noticed this, and leapt up from her chair quickly, trying to wipe the small tears from the corners of Laurens' eyes with the pad of her fingers.

"Lauren... talk to me."

But Lauren just scowled pathetically, swatting Camila's hand away before she got too drawn into the feeling of her soft slender fingers.

"Why don't you just go home to Michael and mind your own damn business Camila!"

Miss Cabello stood still, completely shocked, her face dropping into a pained frown. And then Lauren was out the door, telling her she needed to get over this woman. No, she had to.

Miss Cabello was no match for her. If she wanted to play with her feelings like a damn puppet, then go home to fuck her boyfriend, she could do that.

Because Lauren wasn't playing Camila's game anymore. She owed herself respect, so with that, Miss Cabello was just any other teacher to her. No feelings, no heartache, no pain.

Lauren was strong, Miss Cabello meant nothing to her.

If only her words were the truth.


I was going to post this later this week, or sometime early next week, but I heard some people wanted an update so I just thought I'd post it today.
Pleas vote and comment if you enjoyed
-Nikki 🦋😁

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