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Lauren's PoV

Smut chapter so if you don't like skip this chapter.

So, things started to change after that. I started spending time with Camila in her classroom on my free lunchtimes, and more times than none I'd find myself in her apartment after school. Things were going great. Camila and I were taking things slow, school was going great, and everything in life seemed to be okay.

Camila felt like everything I'd always dreamt about and wanted in a person. A best friend and lover in one. Yeah, if you ignored the fact that she was my teacher and I was her student, we got along together just fine.
She'd make us Cuban Picadillo on nights I'd spend round at her apartment, and in the morning she'd wake me up with a whipped-cream hot chocolate and bowl of mixed fruit.

By now I knew I was in love with her. Completely, foolishly and utterly in love with her. But I had no idea if she felt the same. I still felt like an immature teenager in her eyes, and she was so mature and beautiful I didn't understand how she didn't date a nice guy or woman her own age.

"But you're what I want Laur." She'd say. "I don't want anybody but you."

And then I'd blush and my heart would beat so fast I'd be surprised it didn't burst open. My lips would curve into a smile and I'd want to whisper into her chest, 'I love you'. But then I'd quickly realise it was far too soon to admit it, and instead of speaking I'd bite my lip and fall into her cherry sweet kisses.

Camila and I hadn't got too far in the 'sexual department', I guess you could say. We'd obviously kissed a lot, and we'd made out for quite a while, but nothing ever more happened.

My stupid insecurities always kicked in. She doesn't want to have sex with you because you're a flipping kid. Or. She just doesn't like you enough to have sex with you. It's flipping Camila Cabello, she can have any person she wants so why would she pick you?

Damn me and my insecurities. Always getting the better of me.

It was a Saturday when the conversation eventually came up. I was at Camila's helping cook some Ropa Vieja. I'd lied and told my mum I was staying the night at Normani's house. Of course I felt bad, I felt terrible even. But it wasn't like I could just tell my mum I was spending the night at my neighbours house who is also my English teacher. Yeah, I don't think that would go down well.

Camila had been setting the food on the plates whilst I stared into space, my eyes trained on the baby blue painted walls.

"Laur?" Camila asked, tapping my shoulder gently. "Earth to Lauren."
I averted my eyes from the wall quickly, turning to face concerned brown ones. "Sorry Camz." I smiled sheepishly. "Just zoned out."

"Are you okay?" She asked. "You've been quite quiet this evening."

I thought about it, and I realised I had been extremely quiet the whole evening. What, with everything on my mind. Should I tell her? I didn't want to sound like a complete idiot. 'Hey Camz just wondering would you ever want to have sex with me? Also are we girlfriends now or just friends? Because my insecurities are kinda destroying me and telling me you'll go off of me soon.'

Yeah, no.

"I'm fine." I lied as I helped her pour two glasses of wine. "Just tired."
"Laur." She frowned at me. "I know you, like the back of my hand. You're not just tired. Please tell me what's wrong."

I know you, like the back of my hand.

My stomach seemed to skyrocket with butterflies at that moment, and an involuntary grin made its way onto my features. I had no idea why, but to hear a woman you're in love with tell you she knows you like the back of her hand, made me feel such pride and warmth I felt as if I'd burn.

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