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Camila's PoV

"I'm telling you Dinah," I say as I fiddle with the ends of my blazer, staring through the windows, "the poem was about me."

We're sat in the silence of my classroom. Dinah's feet are up on the desk, her coat and scarf scattered across it too. Her elbows are resting on the table beside her, whilst I sit mildly with my legs crossed, biting on the end of a pen.

She smirks slightly, raising her eyebrows. "You sure Mila? That sounds a bit cocky of you."
I smack her arm playfully, rolling my eyes.

"Well," She starts, but the classroom door creaks open, and Dinah quickly removes her legs from the desk with slightly scared eyes.
The principal walks inside the classroom, his eyebrows furrowed and eyes tired, and my eyes widen when Lauren follows closely behind him.

He doesn't know, does he? Did someone see us kiss at the club? Am I going to be fired? Even worse- sent to prison.

My heart beats rapidly, and I almost don't hear the principal addressing me.

"Miss Cabello." He says calmly, giving a tight-lipped smile. "Lauren here is having a weeks detention every day after school. All the other rooms in the school were occupied or without a teacher, and I know sometimes you stay late, so would Lauren be able to help clean up the classroom as her punishment?"

I smile so wide it almost seems rude.

He hasn't found out about our kiss. I'm not getting fired.

"Of course." I stand up slowly, wiping invisible creases from my dress. "She can help me clean the closet."

"Great." He smiles politely, and with one last glance exits the room.
I stare at Lauren questioningly, my eyebrows raised and a small smirk adorning my lips.
"What did you do?" I ask, and she rolls her eyes with a smirk.
"Principal Winston caught me smoking on school grounds at lunch. He wasn't happy at all."

"Ew." I say, scrunching my nose. "That's disgusting. I never knew you smoked."

"Well," Lauren says, walking towards me with her famous grin. "It is what it is."

"Anyways." I mumble, opening the closet door. "Feel free to start whenever you want."

She grumbles and heads into the cupboard, muttering curses under her breath.
I stare at her grey ripped jeans and her black leather jacket, feeling a flutter in the bottom of my stomach.

And then Dinah speaks up. And ruins everything.
"Enjoying the view there chanco?" She smirks and gestures to the back of Lauren, and I smack her harshly round the side of her head. Lauren turns round with raised eyebrows, and l flush incredibly.

"No one told you to stop Lauren." I mutter. "Carry on."

She raises her eyebrows, surprised at my authoritative tone, but carries on cleaning none the less.

"Will you shutup!" I screech at Dinah, as if Lauren isn't two feet away and can't hear every word we're saying. "You can't say something like that!"

She rolls her eyes. "Take a chill pill Mila. I was joking."

"It wasn't funny." I grumble. And then, muffled from the cupboard, Lauren says; "it kind of was actually."

I raise my eyebrows at her, crossing my arms over my chest. "And who welcomed you into this conversation?"

A chorus of laughter echoes. "Damn Chanco." Dinah chuckles. "All this sexual frustration is getting to your head."

And then; "I'm not sexually frustrated! Both of you just shutup!"

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