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Lauren's PoV

I have no idea how I'm going to tell Camila what I want to tell her on graduation day. My anxiousness is all a knitted fur ball in my stomach, and I have no idea how she'll react.

Laugh at me maybe? Say I'm lunatic and I'm moving too fast? Or even worse, just simply answer 'no'.

I've never been in a real relationship before, but I like to think that's all because I was saving myself for that right person. Camila.

Sure, plenty of people my age have been in tons of relationships, but I know none of them mean anything. Well, most of them at least.

People my age date for fun. For sex, for the experience, for the laughs, for the feeling of being less lonely.

But with Camila and I, I'd like to think it's because we love each other with our whole hearts. I'm not cliché or anything, but honestly since I met her that Monday morning on the first day of school, fate has seemed a little more real to me.

Destiny, too.

As much as I hate sappy talk and listening to hopeless romantics, it really feels like we're meant for each other.

At least I hope we are. Sure, we've only been officially dating for six months, but I know I want to spend the rest of my life with Camila. As my best friend, as my other half, as my lover, as my soulmate. There's not a minute I don't want to spend with her, so that's why I decide I'll ask her right after graduation.

I can only hope she says yes.


"Guys." Shawn whines on the last day of finals, as we head outside onto the school field to eat our lunch. "I don't know what I'm gonna do without you."

"Me too." Normani exclaims as she flings an arm around the three of us. "You've become family. It's crazy to think we won't all be in the same state next year."

And it's true. It is crazy to think.

When Shawn had told me he got in to Colombia University, I'd been the happiest I've been in a long time. Sure, Universities are all about making new friends and creating new experiences. But to head out into the real world with a friend by your side is a huge privilege.

Unfortunately, for Ally and Normani I can't say the same. Ally got accepted into Ohio state university where she'll study Biology, and Normani got a scholarship for a sports college in Florida. 

We'll all be thousands of miles away from each other, and I can't say I'm looking forward to it at all.

"I'm gonna miss you guys so much." I sit down on the grass beside the others, joining our hands together in a small chain. I'm pouting by now, and although I'm slightly joking I really do feel like my eyes will tear over.

"I love you guys." Ally exclaims, bringing us into a wordless hug. It's probably one of the longest hugs I've ever been in, and you can tell we're all pouring our pent up emotions into it.

"At least you and Shawn have each other Laur." Normani pouts. "And Ally too I guess. Ohio is around eight hours from New York, Miami is like a whole damn day."

"Aww Mani, we'll visit you so often. And although every weekend is far fetched and unrealistic, we'll come down to see you every holiday and you can always come and see us on the weekends."

"And there's always face time." Ally says brightly. "We can face time every week. Update each other on how we're getting on."

By now we're all silently crying, even Shawn who is obviously trying to hide it and keep his 'manliness' in check.

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