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"You're going on a date!" Normani and Ally both shrieked, staring up at a cheery Lauren in shock.

They were sat inside Laurens' bedroom, watching as the green eyed girl fumbled around  in her wardrobe for a classy date outfit. The said girl apparently seeming very cheerful for her sudden date.

"Who's it with?" Normani asked, chewing on a handful oh hot Cheetos. Ally rolled her eyes at Normani's manners and took the packet of Cheetos from her, giving the African-American a slight glare.

Oblivious to it all, Lauren pranced around her small bedroom with a wide grin, her gestures becoming more and more confusing to her two friends sat on her bedroom carpet.

"You won't know them." Lauren stated. "It's this girl from...um another school downtown somewhere."

Normani and Ally both raised their eyebrows, Laurens' short answers causing the girls' curiosities to perk up.

"Well," Lauren pulled on a tight black dress and quickly brushed her hair, turning to Normani and Ally with a large smile.

"I'm ready. I'll see you girls later."

Giving one last overly-cheery smile, Lauren turns to leave her apartment, leaving Ally and Normani partially dumbfounded behind.

"Should we follow her?" Normani asked Ally quickly, not wanting to Lauren to get too far ahead of them.

Ally nodded eagerly. "Yeah, let's follow her."

They left the apartment quickly, running down the halls and into the elevator to then quickly sprint into Ally's car.

"Where did she go?"

Ally quickly pointed left then drove out of the parking lot, following Laurens' black Mercedes that travelled quickly downtown.

"Was it just me or did she seem really suspicious?" Normani asked, tapping her fingers nervously on the dashboard.

"She did." Ally agreed. "Almost like she didn't want us to find out."

Normani hummed in agreement, indicating Ally to turn right when she saw Laurens' Mercedes make a turn.

"She's pulling into an Italian restaurant."

"Italian?" Normani asked quizzically. "But I thought she hated Italian."

Ally nodded. "So did I."

They parked the car on the opposite side of the car park from Lauren, pulling some sunglasses over their eyes to quickly disguise their figures.

"What if she sees us?" Ally quickly asked, a panic slightly taking over her body.
"What if she-."

"Allz." Normani chuckled, turning her gaze away from a secretive Lauren creeping into the restaurant.

"It's fine. She won't notice us, she's too caught up in her own world to even notice any one else around her."

And Normani was right.

Lauren walked into the restaurant without a clue her two best friends were following in behind her.

The green eyed girl walked straight into the back of the restaurant, greeting a cheery brunette that kissed her cheek with a smile.

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