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Lauren's PoV

The crisp mid-December air drifted through the lobby's front door as I pulled my suitcase out with ragged breaths. For once in Miami, it was actually raining, and I squealed as the rain hammered down as Mom and I ran to her car - a small ford s-max with a massive dent on the side front door.
It was 5:30 am, and my nerves were picking up for the trip ahead of me. I was spending a week in a city I hardly even knew, with a teacher I was very much infatuated by.

What could go wrong, right?

Mom turned left out of our complex's car park, and the only sound to be heard was the soft humming of Lana del Ray's 'radio', and the patter of the rain on the windows.

My heart thrummed at the thought of seeing Camila. Would she regret everything that happened and act cold towards me again? Or even worse, ignore me completely?

I hunched in my seat a little lower, and watched as we drove out of the downtown area and down to the outskirts of the town. The roads were mostly quiet due to the early time in the morning, and I closed my eyes to try and rid my nerves.

My eyes opened ten or so minutes later when I heard distinct noise in the background, and I realise we'd arrived at school.

"Am I supposed to come in with you?" Mom asked as she fiddled to turn the engine off. I shook my head. "We're meant to meet on the field I think. I'm fine going by myself."

She smiled at me softly, and leant over the centre console to wrap me in a small hug. "Have fun dear. And don't forget to take pictures."
"I won't." I smiled. I flashed her the canon camera wrapped loosely around my neck, and grabbed my suitcase and backpack to head over to the field.

Shawn was stood beside Ally and Normani with his humongous grin when I reached there, not waiting a second to wrap me into a warm hug.
"Hey guys." I smiled at them and pulled my beanie further up my head to block out the rain. Normani grinned up at me, as did Ally, and you could practically see the excitement radiating off of them.

"This is gonna be so fun, I swear." Normani shivered slightly from the cold rain, but her smile didn't disappear at all.
I grin back. "It'll be my first time in New York since I was five."
"I've never been." Shawn said, his cheeks rosy from the cold. "It's my first time there. And what better way to spend it with you guys?"

We were interrupted when Mr Rickshaw, the head of the English department, silenced the field, and everyone turned to him expectantly. He spoke loudly, with a small smile and gleaming eyes, and told us to get into our groups we'd been assigned to. Shawn and I departed from Normani and Ally with a few hugs and a wave.

The rest of our group was already stood next to Miss Cabello and Mr Rogers on the far side of the field. One jock, Callum, stood in the line with his signature snarl and bored-looking blonde eyes, and I immediately groaned when I  realised he would be in our group. His best friend, an Indian boy with golden eyes and jet-black hair, stood beside him with the same bored expression as him. Behind them, Marie and Anna stood with bored eyes and pouted lips, and I groaned even more seeing they were in our group too. Anna and Marie were the definition of 'mean girls' with Anna being blonde and Marie being brunette, they seemed to fit the roll perfectly.

To the side of them were Kellan and Amanda. I had never really heard them speak before, and buy the sounds of it, Kellan and Amanda seemed to be very shy, introverted people.

And then there was Shawn and I, and as soon as we reached the group we won four matching scowls.

Marie- a girl I grew up with the since kindergarten and always seemed to hate my guts- announced us as soon as we stepped foot beside them.

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