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I literally keep switching from different POVs and past and future tense but whatever lmao enjoy this chapter.

Camila's PoV

Things with Lauren and I have been great. Better than great even. She's smart, she's beautiful, she's cheesy. Most of all, she's everything I've ever wanted and I love her.

I love her...

It's a Friday night when something unexpected happens. Lauren and I are cuddled up on the sofa, Friends playing on the tv, when there's a loud ruffled knock on the door.

"Are you expecting anyone?" Lauren asks as she lets me un-drape my arm from around her shoulders. I shake my head and turn my attention towards the door. "Stay here a minute." I fumble with the lock with shaky hands, and when I see who's stood on the other side of the door my eyes widen in sheer surprise.

"Mom!" I greet with a forced smile. "Dad! Sofia! Um...what are you doing here?"
"We've come to spend some time with you Mila." Sofia grins, attacking me in a hug. "We hardly see you anymore since you're always working. And also Mama wanted to see how you are after you and Michael broke up."
"Sofi!" Mom swats her shoulder. "I told you not to tell her that."

I blush sheepishly and let them inside. My heart is beating when their eyes slowly avert straight into the living room to where Lauren is sat with an anxious expression.

"Oh, hello." Mom smiles at her. "I don't believe we've met. I'm Sinuhe, Camila's Mom."
"Um...Hi." Lauren smiles. "I'm um...Lauren?" She says it as more of a question, and I'm suddenly so anxious that mom will remember who she is I want to throw myself out of the room.

"That name sounds familiar." Mom says as she sets the three suitcases over by the kitchen. "Where have I heard that name before?"

"I have no idea." I cut in. "Let me take your bags to the spare room."
I shuffle out of the room without a second glance, and my hands are shaking as I pull the suitcases into the spare room. Sofi will most likely share with me so I place her suitcase behind my door.

It's awkward when I walk back into the living room. Extremely awkward. And with Lauren's fearful expression, mom's look of rage and dad's face of shock, I can tell that mom's figured it out. She knows. She knows I'm dating my student.

"Mila." She says when I come back in. "I remember who Lauren is now."
"Oh." I swallow. "That's um...that's great."
"So she's your student?" She blurts out bluntly, staring at Lauren intently. "And she's sat in your apartment? With your lipstick on her neck?"

I gasp. I hadn't realised that was still there, and by the looks of it neither had Lauren because she wipes it off with wide fearful eyes.

"It's not what it looks like." I say. But I have no justification. Because it's exactly what it looks like.

"Camila!" Alejandro- Dad- pipes in. "How old is Lauren? You're twenty three years old! Twenty four in two months!"
"Seventeen." I mumble with a frown. "Eighteen in June."

"Mija!" Mom gasps as she hawks at me. "You could go to jail!"

I groan into the palm of my hands, and it takes all my willpower not to break down right then and there on the spot.

Mom sighs and turns to Sofia with pleading eyes. "Sofia hunny, why don't you go play in Mila's room whilst mommy and daddy have a quick chat with her okay?"

She nods with an oblivious smile, and waltzes her way into the master bedroom at the end of the hall.

"Sit." Mom says with a penetrating glare. "We all need to talk about this."

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