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Lauren woke up with a pounding headache, the pain so unbearable she had to instantly lie back down as soon as she lifted her head from the soft sheets of... Miss Cabello's bed?

Lauren had never screamed so loud in her life, and Camila flew off the bed with a loud thud, groaning as she harshly hits the floor.

"Lauren! What was that for?"

"What the hell am I doing here?!" Lauren squeaked, jumping up from the bed to discover she was still dressed in her black dress from the night before.

"Lauren, calm down." Camila soothed, straightening out her wrinkled robe. "Normani and Ally brought you home last night. You got drugged by your date, they said."

"I-I did?"

Lauren frowned, some memories of last night beginning to resurface.
Merissa, the woman she'd been on a date with, urging her into her charm with her warm chocolate eyes like heaven, her wide slender lips looking so chapped yet soft it amazed her.

But they were nothing like Camila's, nothing yh like the woman's she desired so deeply. And that was what hurt Lauren most.

"I can't believe I got spiked." Lauren muttered to no one in particular, pinching the bridge of her nose in frustration.
"What a flipping deranged woman!"

"Woman?!" Camila asked, eyes widening.

Lauren internally cringed. She hadn't meant to let that slip out.

"You went on a date with a woman Lauren? You're 17 years old! How old was she? That could be dangerous!"

But Camila wasn't even remotely worried about the woman's age, and that brought a sickening feeling to her stomach. She was jealous. Purely jealous. She hated it, despised it even. Why would she be jealous of Lauren and someone else? She was always the one to tell Lauren they could never be involved with each other , it was wrong and it just wouldn't work.

"How old was she Lauren?" Camila repeated, a bit more firmly this time, taking a small step towards Lauren.

Lauren sighed. "It doesn't matter Camila. I didn't even like her. It's just she..."

"She what?" Camila pushed, her hopes inwardly rising.

Lauren looked deep into Camila's eyes, and felt like she couldn't breathe. It was cliché, but she felt as if she was drowning, being sucked into a pool of warm chocolate that was Camila's eyes.

They seemed to stare for what felt like hours, until Camila took a slight step forward, daring Lauren to speak.

"She was what Lauren?"

Lauren looked down. "She was like you."

It felt as if the air in Camila's lungs had been knocked out, purely by Laurens declaration.

Camila was at a loss for words. Lauren had just inwardly admitted she went on a date with a woman that looked exactly like Camila. How was she supposed to process this?

Camila's breath hitched as Lauren slightly stepped forwards, their faces coming closer and closer together, their breath slowly mingling together at the close proximity of their faces.
Lauren looked into Camila's eyes, momentarily frozen. "Tell me to stop and I'll stop."

She leant in, Laurens' left hand cupping Camila's rosy cheeks, her right hand at the small of her waist.

Their lips were almost touching, almost, when there was a fumbling of keys in the door, and the two girls jumped back in utter surprise.

"Camila babe. You home?"

Lauren groaned in mere disgust. Michael. Of course it fucking was.

Camila was pacing around with frantic gestures, realising she had almost just kissed her student. Again.

Miss Cabello (Camren)Where stories live. Discover now