Sneaking Out

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(Peters P.O.V)
   After we got back to my room we started to plan what we were gonna do tonight. Ideas where tossed around stuff like scary stories, watch movies and Wades idea of 7 minutes in heaven. Then the best idea hit me. "Lets Sneak out and go hangout in the city." Everyone smiled then Wade asked how we can all get down over 100 floors with out being noticed. Tandy Chimed in "Tyrone can teleport us across the city. Right Ty?" He smiled and everyone got suited up and went through The cloak and where teleported to the top of the statue of liberty's torch. We all stared to brainstorm where to go. Places like Yankees stadium and time square and the zoo where all thrown out we voted and the stadium got two votes, Time Square got one vote, and the Zoo got three votes. As we arrived at the Zoo it was now 2:18 am and it was closed so we where gonna do something stupid. We broke in, ok thats not true we didn't break anything I swung me and Wade over the wall Sam flew Danny over the wall and Tandy and Tyrone teleported in. We walked over to a bench and decided to play truth or dare. Just as Sam was about to ask Tandy truth or dare Wade said "No bucket head birthday boy first! Go on Pete.""Alright Deadfool truth or dare?""Dare!"he said with a smile showing through his mask. "Ok tough guy I dare you to stand in the lion exhibit for 2 full minutes.""fine." he said skipping over to the exhibit and jumping the fence. Tandy shouted "Come on Wade dont be stupid..I mean any more stupid." He ignored her and petted the lion who in return bit his hand off "Bad kitty! You see how you do me Pete." He pointed at me with his stumped hand. Now the lion was chasing him so he was running. "Ok times up Wade." I said mildly impressed. I jumped on top of the fence webbed his back and yanked him over and he landed in the pool of the penguin exhibit. When he got out his suit was clinging and you could see everything. I had a weird feeling and offered to go to the bathroom to get towels.
   As soon as I got in the bathroom I noticed I had a hard on so I had to get rid of it. I thought about nuns, race cars, the color red. Then Wade popped in my head and I jizzed all over the floor.I hurried up and cleaned the floor with a paper towel then grabbed a handful of towels and as I was walking out I heard Danny as Wade "Is it true you like Peter?" I hid be hind the corner and all I head was "Yes." Then things went silent the I heard another man yell "Hey your not supposed to be in here!" I ran out and we all teleported home together and we decided we should go to sleep the sun will be up in one hour.

Beta read by yours truly

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