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"You like that faggot?"

I was in a shower. The lights were flickering on and off. On one side of the room someone had a camera. Three men were in front of me. Four others were behind them. There was a girl there as well. She was laughing.

"You like that piss...you fuckin' faggot?"

Two of the men were taking turns pissing on me. I cried. It was useless though. I had been taken earlier that day on the way to school. All I could think was that today I was going to die. I was going to die on film.

"Look. His eyes are pissing," the girl stated.

She laughed.

She spit on me at that moment. The other boys laughed as well with her. They continued to sit there and piss over me. I kept crying. I kept hoping something would stop. I saw the camera light on. I saw that they were recording it.

"Please stop," I tried to tell them.

They didn't stop though. They wouldn't.

"Put this dick in your mouth...you faggot! PUT THIS DICK IN YOUR MOUTH!"

One dick went in my mouth and then in the next moment another one went in.

"He likes that shit. He likes that dick all the way in the back of his throat."

They were aggressive. They were sending their dicks so deep into the back of my throat that I had started to gag on them. I could feel the salty taste of the penises in my mouth. I struggled to pull away. I remembered biting down. I remember biting down on the shaft of the dick as hard as I possibly could.

"You're gonna pay for that..."

A fist struck the side of my face. Another fist struck the other side of my face. The video camera flashed in my face. There was laughter. The one boy whose bit I bit down on was screaming in pain but the others were finding this to all be good television. They liked it.

For three hours they pissed on me, they beat me, they videotaped it and when they were done humiliating me they finally let me go.

I got home late that night. It was my mother who was the first to see me. I stumbled in the house. I was too lazy to walk at this point. I literally was stumbling. My knees wouldn't take me too far. I heard her gasp when I fell over at the bottom of the staircase in our two story home. I was too weak to move anywhere.

"Oh my god, Shay!"

All I heard was screaming and crying. My father was on the phone. He was calling for an ambulance. My two older brothers were on the top of the stairs...shaking their heads. Unlike my parents they didn't move a muscle to help me. And there was crying. So much crying.

"I don't understand why we all have to move," Donovan stated.

Donovan was my oldest brother. Right beside me was Kenyon, the middle brother. We were all close in age. Donovan was 23, Kenyon was 22 and I was 20. Donovan and Kenyon were somewhat close but I was always the outsider in this little group.

My Dad shook his head, "Your brother was attacked."
"It's going to happen again," Donovan told him, "No matter where we go. It's going to happen again. And again...and again. That's just how shit is..."
Regardless of how much I hated to admit it Donovan was probably right. See shit has changed. I don't know how it started.

"It's because he's a faggot," Kenyon replied.

"Watch your mouth!" my mom shot back.

"I'm just telling the truth."

I just closed my eyes hoping I would be able to disappear. Kenyon started to laugh. Donovan looked like he was trying to hold back laughter. They thought it was funny...and I was their little brother. The thing was things just would get worse.

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