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"Damn look...400 hits already," I stated.
We had just uploaded the video not too long ago.  The title of the video read Gay gangsters strike back.  I had to admit.  It felt good.  It felt good to see Donovan in the same embarrassing circumstance that I was after all the ignorant shit he used to say to me.

"Really?" Miguel stated.
He leaned in close at that moment.  He got real close to me.
"Yeah.  It's going to go viral in no time."

"This is all because of you.  You know that don't you?" Miguel asked.
Miguel looked over at me.  His eyes were right next to me.  He was handsome.  I had to admit he had that whole pretty boy look going on.  His eyelashes were pretty long too.  It was odd.  I mean Miguel was a masculine guy but he was pretty as hell.  I had never seen pretty eyelashes like that on a guy before.  I knew he didn't wear mascara but it sure as hell looked like he did at times.

He had gotten so close that I could smell his breath.  It was minty as though he had just put a fresh mint in his mouth.  Now why would Miguel be putting a mint in his mouth?

I backed up a little bit.

"It was just an idea.  Payback you know.  I'm just glad we're done and we got those assholes back."

Miguel shook his head, "It's not done yet.  You know that don't you?"

"What do you mean?"

"We declared war.  Rashad has been talking.  He's been talking about doing more things.  WAF is bigger than just four guys.  That gang has terrorized Miami for almost two years now."

I looked over at Miguel and shook my head, "Well I have to be careful.  My brother is part of them."

"I know.  I'll protect you," Miguel stated, "You know that right."

At that moment Miguel had followed up behind me.  He put his hand on my shoulder at that moment.  He was so close.  i could tell that he was flirting.  I didn't have to guess.   Miguel was definitely coming onto me and he was getting more and more aggressive with it.

I smiled weakly but said with a strong voice, "Thanks.  I'm a grown man though.  I'm not no weak bottom that needs protection.  Those are the stereotypes that got straight guys thinking we are prey in the first place."

Miguel raised his hands and laughed, "Ok gangsta.  I didn't mean to offend.  I got your back.  That's all I'm saying."

"I got yours too," I stated before taking a step towards the door, "I should head home though."


I turned.  Miguel was still standing there.  He had this hopeful look on his face.

"Can I take you out sometime?" Miguel asked.

"Like chill?"

"Yeah.  Like a date or whatever.  You know?  Ah—nothing big though.  Not trying to pressure you and shit.  I know you probably got dudes coming at you all the time."

"You say this to all the boys?" I asked.

"You really think I'm some type of player don't you?" Miguel asked.
I shrugged, "I'll think about it..."

"What are you waiting for?" he asked me.

I didn't answer.

I just repeated myself, "I'll think about it."

With that I left the room.  The question was definitely there though.  What was I waiting for?  I was waiting for Fidel.  I had to admit I found Miguel attractive but Fidel was just that sexy gangster that was my type.  There was something about Fidel and there was something about him from the first day I met him.  It was chemistry.  When I looked at Miguel all I saw was attraction.  I didn't get butterflies.  I didn't feel anything.

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