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"Oh my god," a voice said from behind me.

I turned to see my brother. I had no idea that Kenyon had come up to the beach house.  Not only that but he had heard what was just discussed behind our back. I was confused as fuck. The whole time we were here Miguel kept telling me that Fidel wasn't who I thought he was. He kept telling me that I should stay as far away from his as possible

"Let me explain," Fidel stated.

I turned back to him. His face looked the same. Explain. I didn't need an explanation. I needed a denial.

"He's lying isn't he?" I asked at that moment, "Your name definitely can't be Tony Mateo. I know Miguel got to be on something else to say something like that. Right? Right? Fidel—I'm talking to you."

We all stared at Fidel and he just stared at me quietly.

He wasn't denying it. He was just staring as though trying to find his words.

"Your boyfriend is the Ass Assassin?" Kenyon asked, "Great way to pick them little brother."

My face flushed with embarrassment. I wanted to curse Kenyon out. I wanted to defend Fidel but nothing came out of my mouth. How the fuck was I supposed to talk if Fidel wasn't explaining himself. Fidel was just standing there. He was tripping over his words.

"Is it true?" I asked again this time with more anger, "Fidel..."

"Give me a second."

"A second! You want a fucking second?" I asked at that moment, "This whole time the local cops been saying that we been hiding Tony Mateo. And this entire time you knew that you was that dude."

"Man this some faggot shit. We outta here..."

Kenyon grabbed me by my arm at that moment. He used to do it often when we were younger. It was actually kind of annoying when I was trying to get a point across but Fidel wasn't making any sense. One minute he wanted to explain the next minute he was telling me that he couldn't. I didn't get it. Whatever Fidel was holding seemed like it was weighing him down.

This motherfucker was the goddam Ass Assassin? Raping little boys? Seriously? He was the reason that gay people across the country were hated now. And instead of him actually defending this he was just looking like a deer cut in the headlights.

"Fidel...this is your last opportunity to deny this," I explained, "Tell me what you are going to say. Tell me what the fuck is going on here."


I didn't get it. I didn't fucking get it.

It was pissing me off.

Fidel shook his head after a few minutes, "I just can't."

Kenyon shot him a look, "Yo this some sick, twisted faggot shit..."

"You keep using that word...but we both know you're gay," Fidel replied with a sharp tone, "You was just trying to get with me in the fucking car on the way up here ... knowing that your brother was interested in me."

Kenyon's eyes got wide. I knew he was gay but now I knew he was messy as well.

"Man. I'm done with both of you," I replied before looking over at Miguel, "Can you please take me home...this is way too much for me."

Miguel got up at that moment, "Of course."

"So you just going to leave like that?" Fidel asked, "You just going to leave?"

"Why do you care? I'm not a little boy. Kenyon was at least right about that Fidel. He was right. This is some sick twist faggot shit. I was really feeling you too..."

Gang Of Gays MxM (Staten Krown)Where stories live. Discover now