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I was looking at some old photos of Lamont.  It had been a week now since he died.  Things didn't get any better though.  Everyday I was still crying.  Everyday it felt like my heart broke.  I had met a loyal dude and that was hard to find these days.  I had lost him.

I was going to get revenge.  I was going to use this Gay Guerrilla Gang to completely dismantle WAF, the police force and any other homophobic organization out there.  I was going to do it by force.

A knock came on the door.

"Come in."

I quickly dried my eyes and put Lamont's photos away.  When I turned I saw Miguel.  I had expected him to be at work at his hardware store.  He was a handyman.   I used to work with Miguel until my boss found out that I had gotten married to another man.  He fired me.  I expected Miguel to ride out for me and quit but he didn't.  He stayed in his little closet at work just for money.  I guess I didn't blame him but I did have a little resentment that he wasn't more loyal.  He was family after all.
"You good?"

He must have noticed my eyes being red or something.  I didn't want pity though.  I had gotten enough of that.  What I wanted now was revenge.

"I'm fine."

"Cool, cous.  Well Shay is downstairs again.  He wanted to talk to you about something."

I had been avoiding Shay like the plague.  He had been trying to talk to me for  a while now.  Truth was I could tell Miguel was kind of jealous by it.  He didn't have anything to be jealous of.  I was done with Shay.  If I wasn't so worried about Shay at the protest I probably would have been able to save Lamont.  Lamont would still be alive.

Fuck Shay.

"I'm busy."

"Cous...you ain't busy.  Why you playing him like this?" Miguel asked shaking his head, "He's a good dude."

"He's not one of us.  He ain't hard.  He shouldn't be in GGG.  He shouldn't be around this."

"He gay ain't he?"

"Yeah so what?"

"I think any gay person should be able to join GGG," Miguel replied,"Especially with the shit he has been through.  Look.  I don't know what your beef is with Shay but just hear him out.  For me."

Miguel was playing the family card.  It made me sick a little bit.

I shrugged at that moment and got up off the bed.


We walked downstairs and I saw Shay sitting in the living room.  Rashad was also there.   Rashad had been hanging around the house even with Lamont gone.  I didn't mind.  Rashad and I were honestly getting closer.  He seemed like a cool guy and he wanted the same thing that I wanted.  He wanted to get revenge for Lamont.  Lamont was my husband and Lamont was his best friend.  Now that Lamont was gone, I still wanted to carry out a friendship with Rashad.  Even though we didn't get along with Lamont here, now we had something in common.  We had hatred in common.  Hatred for straight people.

"He won't take no for an answer," Rashad stated, talking about Shay.

"Yo cool out," Miguel replied, "Let him talk."

I looked over at Shay.  It was hard to look at him.  I felt so guilty.  I felt guilty because when I looked at him I still saw that sexy dude that had completely made me want to step out on my relationship.  I felt like shit.  I hadn't stepped out on my relationship with him but I wanted to.  I wanted to get to know Shay and I had emotionally cheated on Lamont because I liked Shay more than a friend.  Looking at Shay now all those harsh feelings came back.

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