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What the fuck you doing here?"

I had arrived at the hospital. I wished I could say that I came to calmness but instead I came to an angry Donovan. My family crowded in the room that Donovan was in. From the look of it Kenyon seemed well. His arm was wrapped up. I assumed he must not have been injured really seriously by the look of it.

"He's my brother too."

"Its you faggots who did this to him!" Donovan shouted.

The way he said it he might as well have spit the words to me instead.

"Donovan enough," my dad replied, "C'mon everyone. Let's give Shay some space."

My mom, my dad and a reluctant Donovan walked out of the room. Donovan was pretty much mean mugging me as he walked out of the room. I could tell how pissed he was.

One thing was for sure. This gang war was definitely getting out of hand.

"You pissed at me too?" I asked Kenyon.

Kenyon held up the remove adjusting it, "You know who shot up the party?"

I paused.


"I feel you. You ain't snitching. It's cool. Don't. That's not the cold of the streets. But I'd expect you to have my back, especially if you my brother or whatever. You got my back Shay?"

I hesitated.

"Kenyon. I got your back but I don't think whoever shot you was aiming at you. Donovan been hanging with the wrong people."

"Regardless if they aiming at me...they shot me. Was that dude next door involved?"

I paused.

"Can't tell you that," I replied.

Kenyon shook his head, "You like homie?"

"Fidel?" I asked, "Yeah I like him."

" You involved in some shit. You always over there. You always under that dude Fidel. He runs up in the party and grabs you out of there right before a shooting occurs. I'm not dumb lil' bro...FUCK!"

He squirmed in pain. He was putting strain on his gunshot wound. The wound was on his arm and wrapped up. I walked over there. It did suck to see Kenyon looking like this.

"Chill out. You are going to hurt yourself."

Kenyon rolled his eyes, "This ain't nothing. Don't take my me off the subject."

"Fine. What you got to say."

"You in a gang bro. Be honest."

"You need ask Donovan what the fuck he's doing..."

"I'm asking you!"

It wasn't fair. Donovan was clearly in the gang that started all this shit. WAF was hunting gay dudes all around the city. Whatever GGG was now didn't start as that. It was a gang that was started to protect the innocent. Kenyon didn't seem to understand that. He wasn't getting it.


I had to admit it.

Kenyon shook his head, "Man. You need to figure out something little bro---"

"Figure out what?"

"Where your loyalties lie? That gang shit is dangerous. Your hear me? Rumor had is that they are hiding Tony Monteo in that gang."

"There is no one in the gang by that name?"

"No Tony?"

I thought about it that minute. There was a Tony. Still. I didn't see Tony doing something like that. That wasn't in his character. The others would have known too...

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