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A storm was coming.  They were calling it Hurricane Michelle.

As I walked out of jail the wind was already picking up something severe.  I was bailed out of the jail.  I got into the parking lot.  It was Venus who bailed me out but when I got into the parking lot I saw more than just Venus.  Felix, Tony and Rashad were also in the parking lot.  I was actually surprised to see them.

"What's up homie?" Felix asked.

"You bailed me out?"

He nodded, "Got to look out.  Regardless of how things have been in the past."

It was Rashad who grunted at that moment, "Right.  We are all down."

I wanted to say I was down too.  I shook his hand regardless.  Truth was I knew that Felix was the one who was responsible for bailing me out.  Rashad probably didn't have a damn thing to do with it but he sure was going to sit here and take credit.  I knew as well as everyone did that Rashad was nothing more than a bum who liked to act hard. He never worked a day in his life.

"I appreciate it  ya'll," I replied.

I had to keep the piece.  Regardless of what happened I was out of jail.

"Don't worry too.  We started beating that motherfucker's ass.  He ended up getting saved by the police though.  But we'll find him again," Tony told me.

"Come again?"


"What about Shay?"

"Shay was the one who ratted you out," Rashad stated, "Miguel told us. .."

"Holy shit."


I felt this rage come over me at that moment.  I grabbed Rashad.  I didn't' know who made the call but he was the leader of GGG.  He had to have OK'd them going after Shay.  What kind of stupid ass move was he making.

"Are you fucking crazy touching Shay?"

I didn't know I would react like this until I did.  I had cuffed him up real hard around the neck.  I was pissed.  I was beyond pissed.  I was really ready to knock this motherfucker out right here and now.

"I'm riding for YOU!" Rashad stated before turning to Felix, "See, I told you this clown ain't down for us.  I'm sitting here riding for him.  Like you told me to.  See how he treats me?  Huh?  You see it!"

He was acting like a little bitch.  Of course Felix and Tony walked through to separate us.  They had to save his ass just like they always did.  If it wasn't for Felix I would have beat Rashad's ass so many times.  He thought he was some bully but he was really the biggest pussy in these streets.

"You ain't shit," I told him, "You dumb as fuck and you ain't shit."

"Yo why are you tripping?" Tony asked.

"Because Miguel is lying.  Shay didn't fuckin' rat me the fuck out."

They looked at one another shocked.  I could see the look that they were giving each other.  They seemed beyond surprised.  Before I knew it I was standing next to them and trying my hardest not to lunge at Rashad.  It was hard.  He had that stupid ass grimace on his face.  I wanted to knock it off.  I was already annoyed as fuck for being locked up.  I had posted bail and I would have to go back to jail for this bullshit.

"Why the fuck would Miguel lie?" Rashad asked.

"Because Miguel's bitch ass was the one who snitched to the cops," I told them.

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