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"You been avoiding me?"

I was in the backyard when I saw him sitting there.  He looked amazing as always.  Shay had on some trunks today but it still made his ass look big.  He had caught him when he was just coming out of his pool.  He was dripping wet.  I couldn't help but to lick my lips.  I had to behave.  I was a married man and there was no way in hell I was going to cheat...even if Shay was my type.

He smiled at me.  Shay had straight pearly white teeth and dimples when he smiled.

He walked over to the fence meeting me halfway.

"You know I wouldn't do that."

I shook my head, "Just messing with you.  Haven't seen you in a while."

Shay looked at me hard, "Well I still have a little bit of a crush so i was just getting over that..."

He was blunt.  He was being real blunt.  This dude was literally throwing himself at me.  To be honest I did get it a lot.  Guys and girls tried to get with me all the time.  It happened ever since I was younger.  I'd always been the dude who was chased.  Me and Miguel used to be two of the most sought after guys in Miami.  I was used to it and it never phased me.  With Shay that was different though.

Shay made me...nervous...

"Lamont said he was going to cut the grass back here," I stated.
I did it on purpose.  I don't know if I did it for him or for me.  I just knew that I had to remind myself and him that Lamont was in the picture.  I had to behave.  This innocent flirting could lead somewhere else and I wasn't for it.

"About Lamont...how well do you know him?" he asked.


Shay was being suggestive.  I didn't know what he was trying to say but it was clear that he was trying to get something off his chest.  The look on his face said it all.  He seemed to want to say something but for some reason he wasn't just saying it.

"I'm just saying, you seem down for him...are you sure he's down for you like that?" Shay stated.
"We're married..."

"I know it's just..."

"Look.  You seem like cool people but I kind of want to keep my relationship to myself," I quickly replied to him, "I wanna be cool with you.  Maybe even friends but that  can only happen if you respect my relationship."

I knew I was being hard.  It was actually hard for the words to come out of my mouth.  I just had to let Shay know that this innocent "flirt" we had going on stayed innocent.  It wasn't even like me and Lamont were just dating.  Me and Lamont were in a full blown relationship.  That meant a lot.

He nodded at that moment, "You know what.  You are right.  Your relationship is none of my business and I have been out of line.  I honestly think you and Lamont make a good couple.  I should probably get going by the way..."

He was smiling but I wondered if I somehow hurt his feelings.

I grabbed him before he walked too far.

"Hey, I was going to invite you out..."

"You sure that's cool?" he asked.

I shrugged, "I mean we are going to be friends right?  Besides.  I need your help.  A bunch of us are going to Town Hall tomorrow evening.  We are going to protest what happened at the bar.  We are going to protest cultural discrimination against lesbian, gay and transgender individuals.  The police are not enforcing anti-discrimination legislation and it's time we spoke up."

He looked back at me, "You honestly think people are going to listen?"

I shrugged, "It's better than the alternative."

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