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I was sitting in the living room when I saw Kenyon, Rashad and Fidel walk into the room.  Seeing Kenyon changed my mood almost immediately.  What the hell was he doing here?
My brother had walked into the room all of a sudden.  I was surprised when I saw Kenyon standing there.  He was looking over at me.
He grabbed my hand.
"C'mon, we have to get out of here," he said.
I moved my hand away from Kenyon quickly, "Don't fuckin' touch me.  Don't ever touch me."
"You don't get it.  WAF is coming.  They are bringing everyone.  They want war.  You hear me?  And there is no calling the cops.  The cops supplied them with weapons..."
There was talk almost immediately.  People started to panic.  They heard what Kenyon was saying.  He was loud and he was clearly panicking.  I could tell by the look on his face that people were upset and confused.  The gang members started asking questions almost immediately.
"What do they want?" Venus asked.
"We don't have any way to defend ourselves," another guy said.
"We should get out of here."
The talk kept going on and on.  I could tell how nervous people were acting.  I had to admit deep inside I was nervous too.  They were right.  We didn't have any weapons.  Two guns at the most and a baseball bat maybe.  That was it.  The fact that the cops had supplied WAF with weapons seemed to cause a blow to people.
"You're lying," I finally questioned Kenyon, "Why the fuck would the cops supply them weapons."
"He's not lying," Fidel stated.
Fidel was standing at the front of the room.  We all turned to him all of a sudden.
Kenyon looked over at me and grabbed my hand, "See?  You believe me now?  I saw them come to the house myself.  They are getting ready right now.  You hear me?  The cops gave them guns.  They gave them guns and told them to come over here..."
Holy shit.
I didn't get it.  I didn't get the corruption that was going on.  The police were supposed to be protecting us.  We couldn't even call them. People wanted to hurt us and they were supplying them with weapons?  Really.
My heart kept racing.
"What do they want?" someone asked again.
The room got silent.  We were all turned to Fidel. Fidel looked over at us.
"They want me..." he finally stated, "They want to kill me.  My name isn't Fidel.  It's Tony Monteo..."
Shock filled the room.  I watched people's faces.  Felix and Rashad exchanged looks.  Venus was whispering loudly across the room.  Everyone looked confused.  Everyone looked like they didn't understand what was going on.  People were pissed off and afraid.
"The ass assassin?" Venus asked.
Fidel nodded, "That's what they call me.  There is more to the story however... a lot more."
"You got some explaining to do cuz," the other Tony stated at that moment.
I looked over at the others.  They were angry.  They looked pissed off that Fidel hadn't told them about this sooner.  Now they were all risking their lives.
Kenyon was looking at me like I was crazy.  I could tell he wanted to drag me out of here.
"I had younger cousins," Fidel explained, "Miguel's cousins. That stated I raped them.  Their father was police chief in Miami.  Even after I was found innocent of the crime...a lot of local cops felt I was guilty.  That's why they are supplying WAF with the weapons.  That's why all these rumors started about Tony Monteo, the Ass assassin."
"So you didn't do it, right?" I stated, "Tell them you didn't do it!"
Just at that moment I noticed a breeze.  I turned to the door.  Someone had walked in the house.  Someone else had walked into the house.  It was Miguel.
Miguel stood at the front of the house.  He had a bag in his hands.
"We all want to know the truth," Miguel replied.
"You got some nerve coming here after all the shit you started," I said to Miguel.
It was Fidel who jumped in at that moment, "No.  He's right.  It's time I told the entire story.  It's time you all know what really happened from the beginning."
Miguel was just standing there.  I couldn't believe him.  This entire time he had lived with Fidel. If he doubted Fidel why stay around him. Why take his side only to turn on him later on?  Maybe that was his plan all along.  Maybe he never believed Fidel was innocent of rape.  Maybe he was just around him waiting for a minute to get revenge.
"I don't need to know anything," I told Fidel at that moment, "I'm down.  I'm always going to ride for you.  You hear me.  I'm down for you.  If any of ya'll want to leave that's cool but I'm staying here."
Fidel had a reason that he didn't want to share what he wanted to share.  For some reason that didn't matter to me.  Even with Kenyon trying to block me off I found a way to get past him and take my stance next to Fidel.  He needed that support right now and I was going to be that support.
I could see Fidel shaking.  This had to be the hardest thing he ever had to do.
I found myself holding his hand.
"No.  The whole story had to be told," Fidel started out and then looked at Miguel, "Miguel's younger brothers always would come visit us.  And one day they just said I raped them.  Out of the blue. Did I rape them...no.  The thing is...an investigation was already taking place.  See.  The boys had a physical and their bodies were showing signs of sexual abuse."
"From you!" Miguel stated.
"No.  It wasn't from me.  It was from your father."
Miguel's eyes shot open.
Everyone looked over at one another.  The shock had filled the room.  Miguel's father was the chief of police.
"You're lying!  It's easy to talk about a dead man isn't it?" Miguel stated, "He's not here to defend himself."
"I have no reason to lie," Fidel replied, "I'm telling the truth.  Your father killed himself while I was on trial.  Remember that?"
"Because he felt guilty about not being their for his sons..."
"No. You're wrong," Fidel told him, "My lawyers were able to prove I was innocent.  I have no doubt that the reason your brothers blamed me was because of your father.  He scared them.  He put them up to it.  You were at the trial.  You remember when my lawyers were about to present additional information.  That information would have removed any doubt.  The information they had was your father's DNA on some of your brothers' clothing.  I have proof..."
Fidel walked over to the living room counter.  He opened up the drawer.  He tossed a folder over to Miguel.  Whatever Miguel saw at that moment caused him to cry.
Miguel just started breaking down.  He actually felt o his knees as he read the contents of the folder.
I couldn't take it.
I looked over at Fidel, "You're innocent?  You're really innocent."
"I didn't rape them boys.  I didn't present the evidence showing the father raped them because the prosecutors didn't have a strong enough case to convict me anyway.  I was let off."
I knew it.  I didn't know why I hugged Fidel at that moment but my hands swung around him.  The entire room was quiet.  Fidel had just dropped a ton of bricks on everyone.  The only sounds was from the whimpers coming from Miguel.  I didn't' feel bad for him though.  I was happy that he knew the truth.  I was happy that he felt guilty.  It had to be guilt.  That had to be the source of his tears.  After all the shit he said about Fidel...it was his own father who had raped his brothers after all.
"Why not say something sooner?" Felix asked Fidel, "Why not present the evidence? People hate you Fidel.  They think you got away with rape."
"Miguel's father killed himself.  A trust fund was set up by the police to take care of his family.  A trust fund was set up to send those boys to college.  It was national news back then.  The entire country gathered to take care of those little boys.  What would happen if they knew the man stricken with grief was actually a rapist?  His family would have nothing.  So I decided to keep the secret.  Those boys lied on me...but they are still family.  They still didn't have a father to support them anymore.  They could at least have his legacy..."
"Fuck man," Felix stated, "You need to take that shit to the public.  You need to clear your name."
"Felix is right," I added.
Fidel shook his head, "No.  If it isn't me...they'll find someone else.   They wanted to hate gay people.  You see how they took the one case and made it a national story.  They made it seem like I was some serial rapist when I never raped someone in my life.  They just want someone to be the poster boy for the 'gay agenda'.  Let them hate me.  I'll fall on the sword.  I don't give a fuck.  I'm not saying you guys got to fight for me.  I'm not saying ya'll should stay here.  But I'm not running from the hate anymore.  If they want their poster boy.  I'll be that..."
There was silence in the room once again.  I knew people were considering their options.  I wasn't going anywhere.  I knew I was going to stay at his side.
It was Rashad who stood up though.
"I got your back brother," Rashad stated.
He had a gun in his hand. I was surprised after all the drama with us that he was the one standing up first.
"We needed a cause to fight for.  We needed that fire under us to know we weren't wrong.  I got your back too," Felix replied.
"We all got your back," Tony stated.
There were cheers across the room.  Cheers.  They were clapping for Fidel and as I stood by his side I had never been so proud to have known him in my life.  There was something more than touching about that moment seeing all of us gathering together and putting all of our petty bullshit aside.
We were all victims.  We were all gay bashed, whether it was physically, verbally or emotionally.  We all knew what it was like.
Now we all had something to tie us together.
"We need to form a perimeter around the house," Fidel stated, "Everyone get what you can get as far as weapons.  They are going to come for us.  But we ain't going no where. You hear me.  We ain't going no where this time.  They think they can just run over us because we are gay.  Let's show them that straight people bleed...just like us..."
A cheer had formed in the room.
It was the loudest cheer that I had ever heard in my life.  It filled the room and echoed through the doorway.
All of a sudden everyone was looking around the house.  They were breaking chairs in order to form sticks.  People were pulling knives out of the kitchens.  People had gathered to the front and back of the house forming a perimeter.
We were mobilizing.  One unit.
One gang.

Gang Of Gays MxM (Staten Krown)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora