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I sat up at that moment sitting up in my bed. It was almost night time. I couldn't believe that somehow I had fucked up my relationship with Shay over the same bullshit from the past. I couldn't believe all of this was coming back to bite me right now.

I could just feel this loneliness. I could just feel this resentment towards Miguel but a part of me knew that he was just living in denial over what happened all those years ago.

The door bell rang.

I reached over the side of the bed and grabbed my burner off of the coffee stand.

Shit was getting heated and I was getting more and more enemies in these streets. I wouldn't be leaving without my burner. That was for sure. I walked over to the door, not taking the time to put on a shirt or pants for that matter. I headed to the door in nothing but my boxers. My pinga was flip flopping in my drawers and I was still ready for war.

Even if I was alone.

I cocked the door a little bit leaving the chain behind it as I clutched on to my hammer, "Who is it?"
Shay? My heart started to race a little bit. If it was anyone else I would have thought it was some sort of set up. I should have been smart and thought Shay was setting my ass up too but it was hard not to trust someone I clearly had feelings for.
I couldn't help but open the door and let him in. He was alone. He was handsome as usual dressed in his little white t-shirt and basketball shorts. I could see him studying my body as soon as I walked into the house as though realizing that I hadn't been expecting anyone. A part of me was embarrassed that I was just in my boxers...but then again a part of me liked the way his eyes lit up when he saw how the boxers hugged my muscular frame.

"I'm sorry I wasn't decent. You kind of surprised me," I stated, "Wasn't expecting someone. You know?"
"You're good."
"No. Maybe I should run upstairs get something to wear."
"You're good Fidel," he repeated.

I didn't expect him to come here. I hadn't expected him to speak to me anymore especially how we had ended things back at the beach house. He wasn't smiling or anything like that when he walked into the house. Shay looked kind of uncomfortable. He stood in the middle of my hallway and shoved his hands in his pockets. He looked around the house. You would have sworn he hadn't been here before or something by how he was frantically looking around.

"Yo—you want something to eat, something to drink. Anything at all?" I stated shaking my head, "Miguel usually does the shopping. He hasn't been home for a while but um...I got...protein drinks...um..."
Protein drinks. I was offering him a fucking protein drink. What the fuck? I could tell I was nervous by how I was talking a million miles an hour. I just honestly didn't think I was going to see Shay again. I honestly thought that it was all over for us. I thought he was done with me. I wasn't pathetic like Miguel or anything like that either. I wasn't going to beg Shay to be with me if he didn't want to. I hadn't sent him a text message. Hell. I didn't even know if he got his phone fixed after it was broken. I had completely just laid in bed...all the while thinking about him. I guess that really wasn't the smart thing to do either.

I hadn't prepared for this moment.
He seemed even more annoyed when he offered me protein drinks.

"Look Fidel I'm not here to kick the bullshit with you. I don't want nothing to drink," he replied bluntly and with a cold demeanor.

"So why are you here?"
Shay gave me a hard look, "WAF knows you are Tony Mateo. My fucking bum ass brother told Donovan about it."
He left it hanging in the air as though he expected me to do something. I didn't know what to do about that. I just sat on my the chair and hugged my burner in my hand. I only had a few bullets in the bitch. I couldn't really afford much more than that.

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