Chapter 3

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*The Next Week (Monday)*

Time-12:10 pm

Katie's POV

"Katie hurry up!" I heard Ramin yell from downstairs. "Coming!" I yelled back as I finished putting all that I need in my bag. Then I walked downstairs. "Well, you look lovely." Is the first thing he said as he saw me. Then he grabbed my hand in his and pecked my cheek. I giggled. "Thank you. You look great as well." I replied. We walked to the car hand in hand.

*2 Minutes Later*

"That Hannah girl, why does she talk like that?" Ramin asked me as he drove. I raised my eyebrow. "Like what?" I asked. "Like she's the most popular one at school." He replied. I shrugged my shoulders. "I don't know. She's always been like that since I went to MDM." I told him. He nodded. It wasn't long till' we arrived at the school.

Vanessa's POV

All of us groaned as Teacher Ding walked in. Obviously no one wanted Computer class. "Alright! Today we will not have computer." Do my ears deceive me?! Did he just say we will not have Computer. "Instead we will practice your play upstairs in the AVR. Miss Romero has posted the cast list outside on the bulletin board." Teacher Ding said. All of us sighed in relief. "Line up outside and look at the list. Then walk upstairs." He instructed in a stern voice. We all walked outside. After walking to the bulletin board, I scanned the list for my name. Meg Giry it said said beside my name. I smiled and look at the rest.

(A/N: This is the cast list)

Christine Daaé: Ina Gonzales

Managers: Andrian Balayan (Firmin) and Raphael Roncal (André)

The Phantom: Franco Moreno

Madame Giry: Angel Alao

Raoul: Aki Lorbes

Carlotta: Hannah Longares

Meg Giry: Vanessa Escalante

Policemen: Carlos Raflores, Felix Zerrudo, and Migs Mendoza

Piangi: Ashley Gonzales

Auction Host: Rajan Limcangco

Dancers and Choir: ALL THE REST

*Congratulations! Practice is today is the AVR (11:20 pm-12:45 pm). Script is provided.

"Congratulations Ina!" I said and hugged her. "Thanks!" She replied. "At least you get to be with Aki." Most of us teased her. She blushed as we all knew that she has a HUGE crush on Aki.

Angel's POV

I nearly squealed as I got the part of Madame Giry. Although, it kinda bothered me that Vanessa will play my daughter. Well, it's a play so no one gives a shit about it.

Katie's POV

"I hope they're all satisfied with their parts." I said worriedly. "Don't worry so much Katie. We picked out good roles for them." Earl said and patted my back. Then we heard voices coming nearer to the AVR. "Katie!" Vanessa nearly yelled as she ran up to hug me. A few others followed. "Heh... Hey guys! It's great to see you again." I said after they let go of me. "All of you please sit down." Andrew instructed and they did. Then the other section, Abueva, followed. "So are there any questions about your roles?" John asked them. A few hands were put up. I called Hannah first. "I'm just wondering, why I didn't get the role of Christine?" She said. I struggled with my words. I couldn't just say that her voice sounds like a thousand walruses dying at the same time. "W-well, you have a nice voice, but we couldn't really picture you playing Christine." I replied. She seemed to buy it. "Nice save." Sierra whispered. I smirked.

*After practice*

"Very good everyone!" Andrew told them. He got a few thank you's. "Alright! We will talk about your schedules. So you will present the play on August 22. We will practice for 1 month from 1:30 pm to 4:15 every weekday. I will be with you everyday along with 2 or 3 other coaches. We will start tomorrow with your vocals." He explained. They all nodded.

(A/N: This is the schedule)

Monday: Rachael and John

Tuesday: Earl and Katie

Wednesday: Sierra and Ramin

Thursday: Rachael, Ramin, and Earl

Friday: Sierra, Katie, and John

The students left the room for lunch. "Do you mind if I stay here Ramin? It would be great to hang out with my friends again. Besides, Vanessa's house is beside ours so her and her dad could bring me home." I asked. "Sure you can. The our friends will get together at the house anyways." He replied and quickly pecked my cheek so no one would notice. Then he left.

Vanessa's POV

"Do you mind if I stay here Ramin? It would be great to hang out with my friends again. Besides, Vanessa's house is beside ours so her and her dad could bring me home." I heard Katie's voice. Being the eavesdropper I am, I listened without being noticed. Then I saw Ramin kiss her on the cheek quickly. I widened my eyes. I must be seeing things. Maybe I am tired after practicing.

How Could This Happen?! (OC x Ramin Karimloo) BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now