Chapter 5

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Still Katie's POV

Today, I had to go to the school again. This time with Sierra and John. I was preparing my things when I saw a car outside. I grabbed my bag and walked downstairs. "I'm going already. Sierra's there." I told Ramin and kissed his cheek. "Bye!" Ramin shouted. I did the same thing. I sat at the back of the car, Sierra rode shotgun and John was driving. "Hey Katie!" They said in unison. "Hey guys." I simply replied. "Andrew texted me. I will help Vanessa with her vocals for Meg. Sierra, you will help Ina with her for Christine. And John, you will help both Franco and Aki for The Phantom and Raoul since you've played both." I told them. They nodded.

Vanessa's POV

I was excited once again. Not just because tonight is the sleepover, but that Katie will be helping me this time. When it was Tuesday, she helped Ina. "Alright! Let's go upstairs." Teacher Kath said. All of us got up and grabbed our scripts then we headed upstairs. "Hi Katie!" I simply said as I walked to her. "Hello Van." She replied with the nickname she gave me in 7th grade. During our practice, Katie helped me how to breathe and sing properly and how to dance gracefully since Meg is a ballerina in the story. I've gotta admit, I have gotten better since the first day we've practiced. I'm so happy because Katie is staying here for more than a month. The weekend after the show, she is taking us to see Les Miserables. She is playing Éponine and Ramin is playing Enjolras. Their voices go so well together, but I am pretty sure that Katie can't be together with him. They have a HUGE age gap. He's 35 and she is 14. I huffed as our time was finished. "Good job, Vanessa." Katie told me. "Thank you." I replied. "See, I told you had a nice voice. Heck, when I started singing I felt like there was a frog inside my throat whenever my voice would vibrate." She said and both of us laughed. "Alright! Let's go back so you can go home already." We heard Teacher Kath. Everyone started exiting. "Hey! Don't forget the sleepover." I reminded her. "How could I ever forget that." She said. Then I walked out.

TIME-7:00 pm

Katie's POV

I had to stay in the school for a few hours because Andrew, Sierra, John, and I were planning additional things to add for the play. Sierra drove me home. When I entered I heard some music and smelled an amazing aroma. I put my bag down and took off my shoes. "Ramin!" I shouted. No answer. I walked to the kitchen and saw a beautiful candlelit dinner. "Do you like it?" A voice behind me made me jump. I turned around and there stood Ramin in the tux he wore for the "Till' I Hear You Sing" music video. "I love it! It smells so good." I said. I glanced at the clock. It was almost 8. I guess I could tell Vanessa that I ate already. Ramin sat me down. We talked about how we met, our first kiss and a lot more when we were eating. After eating, I noticed that Ramin was getting something from his pocket. It was a small velvet box. Then he walked over to me and kneeled down on one knee. "Oh my gosh! Is he gonna propose? No! I am too young." A million thoughts ran through my mind. "I know what you're thinking and no I am not proposing." He opened the box and revealing a silver ring. I gasped. "Its a promise ring. I promise to never stop loving you to the ends of the Earth." He said. A tear ran down my cheek. I held out my hand and let him slip the ring on my finger. Then he wiped the tear with his thumb. "I love you so much, Katie." He whispered as our foreheads touched. "Me too, but about you." I replied. Everything I had to do had been forgotten. He kissed me with all the fiery passion that he held back. It didn't take long for it to start getting heated. We pulled away for air. "Why don't...we take this upstairs." Ramin said in his deep sexy voice. My heartbeat increased. I could see that his eyes were full of lust. "O-ok." I stuttered. Our lips reconnected. Then I wrapped my arms around his neck and my legs around his torso. "I can't believe this is gonna happen." I screamed in my mind. Then he stood up and carried me up the stairs and into the bedroom.

Ring: (except replace the yellow stones to ruby ones and change the purple to diamonds)

How Could This Happen?! (OC x Ramin Karimloo) BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now