Chapter 13

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Katie's POV

I was getting ready my stuff. I am SUPER excited because the school was close to its production of "Phantom of the Opera". Even though I was excited, I was also stressed out. Not only do I need to help Ina and Vanessa, but also to practice for my performance in Les Miserables. I am going to play Eponine while Ramin is going to play Enjolras. After, I went downstairs with my bag. "Bye! I'll see you later." I told Ramin and pecked his lips. "Bye!" Then I walked out and into the car with Earl.

*After Practice*

"Phew! Great practice guys. See you all next week." I congratulated them. They all clapped. Suddenly I heard a laugh which I didn't want to hear again. EVER. I clenched my fists and turned around. There stood Ramin's HORRIBLE ex-girlfriend, Jessica. I sighed and tried to calm down. "Hello, Jessica." I said, trying to not sound venomous. She smirked at me. "Hi K!" My anger raised a bit. I hate it when SHE calls me that. "So...not to be rude or anything, but why are you here?" I asked and faked a smile. "Um...picking up my cousin, Hannah." My eyes widened. It made sense now. Jessica L. Martin. The L meant Longares. HOLY SH*T! Then Hannah walked over to her cousin and hugged her. Before walking away, Jessica said..........

"Oh! By the way.... I'm your understudy for Eponine. TOOTLES!"

A/N: Uh! So sorry 4 not updating. I was busy with school and my other stories. Sorry that this chapter is short. I had writer's block :'(

How Could This Happen?! (OC x Ramin Karimloo) BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now