Chapter 11

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*1 week later*

Still Katie's POV

It's been a week. I told Vanessa the same thing. I wouldn't end the relationship. She didn't take it well. We haven't talked to each other for 5 days straight. I can't stand the awkward silences between us. I was deep in my thoughts when I suddenly heard a knock on the door. "I got it!" I yelled to Ramin who was upstairs. I stood up and walked to the door. As soon as I opened the door, I was shocked to see Vanessa standing on the other side. "Hi Vanessa." I said in a sad tone. "Hey." She simply replied. "Can I come in?" She asked. I nodded and let her inside. We sat down on the sofa in the living room. "Can I get you something?" I asked, being polite. She just shook her head. Once again awkward silence. "I'm sorry, Katie." I heard Vanessa whisper. Why is she saying sorry? I'm the one who screwed up. "What?" I asked in surprise. She sighed. "It was wrong for me to get angry at you like that. I shouldn't judge on your relationship. Could we be friends again?" She said. I was taken back. She forgives me. I nodded and hugged her. She hugged back. Then we released each other. "I should be the one saying sorry. I messed up big time." I told. "Well, how about we have another sleepover? Just us and our 'gang' tonight." Vanessa suggested. I nodded frantically. "Of course! Let me just get my stuff." I said and got up. I ran upstairs and into our room. "Katie? What happened?" Ramin asked, noticing my HUGE smile. "Vanessa and I are friends again. We are having a sleepover and I am not missing it this time." I told in my sassy voice. "That's great!" He got up from the bed and hugged me. He then released me. Ramin helped me in packing my things into my duffle bag. "Why don't you come and meet Vanessa personally?" I asked and held out my hand, the bag in the other. He smirked and happily took it. We walked downstairs. "Vanessa, there's someone I would like you to meet. This is boyfriend." I introduced. Ramin held out his hand for her to shake. They shook hands.  "It's nice to meet you." He said. "Same here." Vanessa simply replied. "If ever you hurt Katie, you're gonna have to answer to me." She said. I giggled. "Don't worry. I won't." He told her. "Well, bye." We got out the door. "Bye girls." "Ramin! We'll just be next door." I told. He gave me a thumbs up and closed the door. The both of us walked to Vanessa's house. Angel was already there. I guess they were doing homework. "Hello Angel!" I said. "Hi Katie." I set down my bag and took my shoes off. "So, what first?" Angel asked. "Well, since the others aren't here yet and my parents will be out for 2 hours, why don't we bake?" I suggested. All of us squealed as we LOVE to cook and bake. We ran into the kitchen. All of us started cooking when we were 4 years old, so we know what to do. We laid out the ingredients on the counter. "Why don't we take turns with the ingredients?" Vanessa asked. "Ok!" Angel and I replied in unison. The order went Vanessa, Me, then Angel. The same with mixing. At the end, Angel took out our brownies. The baking pan was quite big. "How about 2 for each of us? The rest we can give to the others." Vanessa suggested. All of us nodded. I ate one and it tasted fantastic. I ate another and we saved the rest. "Now those were good!" Angel said. "You know it!" Vanessa replied. We laughed and high fived each other.

*2 hours later*

Everyone was here. Even Vanessa's parents. They ate the brownies and said they tasted great. It was already 6 pm and we had an early dinner. Now, we were in the living room watching "21 Jump Street". "So what's that, Katie? On your finger." Isaiah asked while glancing down at the ring. "You're not engaged are you?!" Adrian nearly yelled. I shushed him. "No I am not engaged. This is a promise ring from Ramin." I explained. Their eyes widened. Angel looked like she was about to fangirl. "What did he tell you before giving you the ring?" KC asked. "Well, he got down on one knee and said "I know what you're thinking and no I am not proposing. It's a promise ring. I promise to never stop loving you to the ends of the Earth" and then he slipped on the ring." I replied. "HOW CUTE!" Angel, Ven, and Vanessa said in unison. I blushed a bit. At the end I ended having a lot of fun.

Ah! I miss moments like these :)

How Could This Happen?! (OC x Ramin Karimloo) BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now